adventure. excitement. travel. friends. libations. cartoons. books. yogurt. swishers.
swans. scratch acid. abner jay. wildlidlife. shell shag. nirvana. roky ericson. leonard cohen. oxbow. the small faces. blue cheer. craft. the sound. liquid liquid. stiff little fingers. sebadoh. generation x. the only ones. otesanek. buzzoven. wipers. harvey milk. jay reatard. noothgrush. pentagram. christian death. the marked men. six finger satellite. acid bath. burning witch. bauhaus. vivian girls. entrance. corrupted. sun city girls. guided by voices. the sonics. gentle giant. eyehategod. karp. BIG STAR.
they live. cobra verde. el topo.
twin peaks.
all families are psychotic. blindness. hell's angels. hey rube. everything is illuminated.
killed cowboys and pigs