Reading, writing, music, art, language, cooking, sustainability, home birthing, extended nursing, solar cooking, authenticity, gardening, urban homesteading, chickens, wild birds, male/female relationships and psyches in our own culture and otherwise, finding my own spiritual/mythic path/truth, thrift store shopping, recycling,JOY.
Anything that turns me on emotionally, spiritually or physically.
Anything that causes me to see something from a new and/or different perspective or pushes me somehow to grow/change/alter/shift.
CSI (the original) but only if I'm at home and if I'm not involved in something more interesting and, well, real.
Deepak Chopra's new version of the Kama Sutra, Rumi's poetry, Shelter for the Spirit by Victoria Moran, The Antiquary by Sir Walter Scott, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, The Pull of the Moon by Elizabeth Berg, Imagine a Woman in Love with Herself, Ten Poems to Set You Free, anything by SARK, The Prophet by Khalil Gibran, anything by Anne Lamott, Philip Larkin's poetry, Sylvia Plath's poetry....I could go on and on and on......
Kelly, Cari, Ruth, Sarah, Eve Ensler and all the women who make me proud to be a woman. My sweet, generous, silly, loving, adorable, sexy, yummy husband.