Most of the people i'd like to meet are long dead. they include: Vladimyr Illych Lenin, Mao Tse Tung, Karl Max and a few other famous socialists. Othe rdead people that i would like to meet are:Robert Johnson and Jaco Pastorius. As for living people that i absolutyly must meet are: Fidel Castro, Tony Levin, Bruce Cockburn, Iggy Pop, Peter Gabriel. Well as you can see i'm only intrested in meeting famous people!!!! Oh i almost forgot i have to meet Henry Winkler
Sex Pistols, Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Almost all old school punk music. Now you all ask "don't you get bored of that after a while?" No i don't and you know why, because i listen to really weird stuff like: Jaco Pastorius/weather report and other crazy stuff like that
Any Mel Brooks, Monty Python or Pauly Shore Films(buuuddddyy)
Televison is the tool of fascism, other then family guy and the simpsons
The Little Red Book, das Kapital, Aminal Farm, 1984, Brave New World, People's war People's Army, and True At First Light
Marx, Lenin and anybody who makes me laugh