The tree offs in life: Offshore powerboat racing, offroading and getting off! what more could there be??????Der Baum offs im Leben: Auslandsrennboot-Rennen, offroading und das Aussteigen! was konnte dort mehr sein??????
Whoever Must be over 18 years of age or blood relative!Whoever muß über 18 Jahren Alter oder Blutdes verwandten sein!And while you are here you may as well post your words to live by in my wirds to live by blog thanks!!Und während Sie hier sind, können Sie Ihre Wörter außerdem bekanntgeben, um vorbei in meinen Wörtern zu leben, um durch blog Dank zu lebenYou have a sexual IQ of 137
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
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What r u gonna be rollin in in 10 years?
McLaren F1
Expensive cars with speed is ur game...this McLaren F1 is ur car
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Heavy metal mainly but I will listen to anything that ain't country. However Western is acceptable!Schweres Metall hauptsächlich aber werde ich irgendetwas zuhören, was nicht Land ist. Jedoch Westlich ist annehmbar!
WhateverWas für
I only like telivision if I have a beuatiful woman to lay my head in her lap and admire her shear beuaty as she reacts to the show!
Hotboat Magazine, Muscle Mag International and currently reading mens health's GYM Bible (bodybuilding related) I read Frank Ferzetta's Death dealer like 15 years ago LOL I'm Old :(
My wife for all the shit she puts up with from me!King Kamali For conecting with me and Jay Cutler for showing me the way!Meine Frau für die ganze Scheiße stellt sie mit von mir auf!König Kamali Für conecting mit meiner Wut und Eichelhäher-Messerschmied, um mich den Weg zu zeigen!