Jackie profile picture


I look way too good to be innocent, im conceited, i gotta reason.

About Me

Guys, I know you think girls are tres complicated. We over-analyze, over-exaggerate, and overreact. We get mad at you for no reason, we cry when Bambi’s mother dies, and we don’t understand your obsession with Halo. However when it comes to our daily lives, this may come as a shock, but we are a lot like you (with the exception that we don’t take craps, but you already knew that). We think about sex hourly (I know, not every five minutes, but I said we’re a LOT like you, not your fucking clone), we sit around and do nothing, we don’t clean up, and we don’t shower everyday; in other words, we’re not the put-together princesses that you get off to every night. So to give you guys a better idea of what it’s really like to be a girl in college, I present to you, a day in the mind of a single girl:Fuck, I’m late. How many times have I missed this class already? Four. Damnit. I don’t own any clothes. Everything’s dirty, everything I own is dirty. I need quarters. Hmm, I wonder if anyone IMed me while I was sleeping... No, I need to get ready for class. Whatever, it will only take a minute.Why am I checking my away messages, I should be getting ready for class. I wonder if I have any email... Don’t check it. DO NOT CHECK IT. Damnit, no email.Maybe if I just put on big sunglasses no one will notice I didn’t shower... Or brush my teeth. Yeah, big sunglasses are hot. Damn I look good. Why did that girl just look at me like that, who is she… I’m definitely hotter than her. Ha. Who is that guy, I’ve never seen him before... Why didn’t he check me out? Actually I’d never do him. Oh...that’s probably his girlfriend, alright it’s okay.Where is the cute guy that’s in this class. Please come, please please co— Oh sweet, he’s here. And he’s sitting next to me. I wonder what he’s like in bed. I would dominate him...haha, I’m so dirty. Ew, I’m not dirty. I probably smell though...and I have to pee.I should’ve gone to the bathroom before I left. Damnit, I was too busy checking my fucking email. I wonder if I have any voicemails...Wow that class went fast. I’m hungry. That guy is hot. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. I’d definitely do him. I’m probably hotter then his girlfriend. I’m so conceited, god, I should shutup... Oh whatever it’s just me. Oh no wait, is that the guy with the small... Yeah, that’s him, what a waste.I haven’t had sex in like a month, I need to get laid. Oh wait, haha, nevermind, I’m a dumbass. Is it bad that I forgot about last weekend? No, it wasn’t good anyways. Oh shit there he is... “Hey, how’s it going...” God that was awkward. Note: never to come to the cafeteria at this time again.Hey, do you actually save those mental notes anyway? Then what the hell do you do with them?! Whatever. There's that guy I used to hook up with. I was so drunk the last time we hooked up. I drink too much. Hmm, a glass of wine would be delish right now.I should go check my mailbox. YES, two letters. I would like to inform you that you have an academic referral... Fuck my fucking English fucking teacher that whore. A letter from Grandma...twenty bucks! Yes! I’m on top of the world! Hmm, okay one pack of cigarettes... I wonder if guys think smoking is gross. It’s hot in Europe. I’m a hot Euro chick. There’s that hot guy... Okay lemme pretend to keep reading this letter. Blah blah blah, yeah that’s right, look over here bitch... I need to shower.I don’t feel like shaving. Europeans don’t shave. I’m a hot Euro chick... No that’s gross. Shaving sucks, shaving sucks. Done and done. If I don’t have sex tonight it was a waste to shave. If worse comes to worse I’ll just call what’s him name. Wait...what IS his name? Paul, Jack, John... John, Jacob jingle himer schmidt, his name is MY name too. Wow, blast from the past. Raffi was the shit...I went to a Raffi concert once. Note: do not tell anyone that. Please at least save that one. I need a drink.Sweet, there’s beer in the fridge I’m such a college girl. Ahh, a beer at 4 in the afternoon. I’m so cool. No one IMed me while I was in class? Oh I got signed off, that explains it... I wonder if I have any email. I’ll wait 'til tomorrow to check, then I’ll definitely have some.I’m in the mood to go out tonight. That’s just cause you're buzzed off of that beer. Am I really buzzed off of one beer? God damn, I’m a one beer queer. I have to write a paper tonight. Yeeaah, no. Johnny Depp is so hot. He has a girlfriend. Fuck her.Alright, I’m going to look good at dinner tonight. I have NO clothes. Actually I have no quarters. Fuck paying for laundry. This is bullshit. I want a cigarette, wow I haven’t smoked one all day. I wonder if I will get in trouble for smoking one out of my window... Fuck my head resident...she’s a little whore. I bet she takes it up the ass. I would never take it up the ass. Well, except maybe with my husband. Ew. Thinking a little far ahead aren’t we? I need to stop talking to myself... This layout is from WhateverLife.com; get yours today! whateverlife.com

My Interests

Home Wreckin and stealin bitches boyfriends.

I'd like to meet:

you probably


Dashboard, Rascal Flatts


any movie with my sexy MAN...JoHnNy DePp


NipTuck, Law and Order SVU


Lords of Discipline


Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me
basic info
name: Jackie
what do people call you?: Jackie, Little One..or how about "kiiiiiiid" ha ha
birthday: 11-11-86
current location: Bowling Green and i lovvve it!!!
height: 5'3"
eye color: blue-green
hair color: sometimes dark sometimes blonde :)
righty or lefty?: righty
a few questions
do you believe in god?: yesss
do you have a religion?: catholic
do you speak another language?: i used to be very good at french...but not so much anymore
do you live in the moment?: duh
do consider yourself tolerant of others?: yah if your not a fucking retard, i hate stupid people
are you confident?: yah...wouldnt u be if you looked like me? ha ha jusssst kidding :)
are you a daredevil?: for sure!
what is the compliment you get from most people?: that i am beautiful and gorgeous and amazing
what do you like the most about your body?: everything
do you think you are good looking?: get a clue
do have any bad habits?: sometimes i say the F word too much
what's your biggest fear?: being alone the rest of my life
do play an instrument?: never
can you sing?: no but i do anyways!
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: my hands, they are toooo small lol
what is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: never to rely on anyone but myself, and also, never believe ANYTHING gusy say..its all bull shit anyways :)
do you think life has been good so far?: oh yes, it has.
is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: never live with someone before your married...just doesnt work :(
do you believe in love at first sight?: nope
do you kiss on first date?: if hes hot hell yeah
do you have sex on first date?: definitly not
color: pink!!
number: 69
food: i have an extreme addiction to taco bell lately...gotta stop that though.
drink: pepsi
alcoholic drink: ANYTHING...smirnoff vanilla vodka and coke is current fav!
country: united states of CANADA DUH!
animal: my puppy...Baby aka Monkey Brains aka Duchess aka Buckey
season: summmmer time!!
day of the week: FRIDAYYYY!!! cuz you have the WHOLE weekend ahead of you!
name: JACKIE bitches
have you ever...
been arrested?: 4 times
kissed someone of the same sex?: everyday, my lesbian lover
done something you regret?: probably like a million things, but whose counting
smiled for no reason?: sure why not
laughed so hard you cried?: everyday i say stupid shit that makes stephanie laugh until she cries or pees her pants...
sang to someone for no reason?: um prolly not
talked to someone you don’t know?: everyday on the phone...at work...thats my JOB!
been in love?: yaaaah yah
broken the law?: of course
been in a car accident?: minor ones
run into a wall?: few times here and there
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no, it doesnt really work
cried over a movie?: no way
been so drunk that you cant remember?: like 4 days ago...ha ha
stayed home from school?: all the time
been out of state?: of course
in the opposite sex
hair color: doesnt matter i guess
eye color: blue or green
height: taller than me is good enough
body type: sexxxy
short or long hair?: short come on now
tattoos/piercings?: whatever works
hot or cute?: fuckin HOT
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