--Vietnamese Food::Tham Khao:Hoi Sinh Vien Vietnam::MUA & NHAC::TET NGUYEN DAN++Lunar New Year++Tet Trung Thu++Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival++COFEESHOPS+++READING+++++CULTURAL EXPRESSIONS+++++VAN_HOA_VIETNAM:::THI_LUAN:::: MUSIC++++++VIETNAMESE POETRY++WORLCULTURES--+++CITY LIFE++TRAVELING-
All other Vietnamese Students Association around the world & Everyone who's interested in Vietnamese culture, language, and tradition!Old & new friends. I have an appitite for conversations with people --(especially over coffee!) -particularly with people who are passionate, educated, Intellectual, & --who i can learn a lot from. Lastly, people who just know how to celebrate and enjoy life attracts me.
:::Chung toi muon gap nhung ban be bon phuong de chia se nhung niem van hoa Vietnam va` nhung net sac dep ve cua dat nuoc Vietnam:::
:::NhAC vIETnAM::TrINH cONG SoN::::Vu tHANh AN::^___^ ++VIETPOP-- THaNH tHAO, My Tam, My LINH+++QUaNG DUNG, ++Ngoc Ha++Tran Thai Hoa++THai Hien++Khanh Ly++Nguyen Khang++Trish Thuy Trang++Quang Dung+++HONGnHUNG++Tuan Ngoc++Minh Tuyet++Cam Ly++^___^ OoOoOoOo....--++^___^........OoOoOoOoOoOo
time-++Documentaries(PHiM TAI-LIEU)++-ViSuAL PoeTry. ..PHIM VIETNAM-- RONGXANH, XICHLO (Cyclo), Journal From the Fall (Vuot Song), BUOI_SANG_DAU_NAm, OAN_HOAN_SPIRITS_ (va cung nhu PArISbYNiGHt!! & AsIa ENTERTAIN..), etc..etc.. !
Lan Cao-Monkey Bridge (Cau-Con-Khi)::::::
Maxine Hong-Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a girlhood among ghosts:::::
Le Ly Haysplip-when heaven and earth changed places:::
Thich Nhat Hanh-Essential Writings:::::::
Dalai Lama-a mindful heart::
Confucius(Khong Tu)-The Analects:::
Amy Tan-Joy Luck Club, 101 secret senses, kitchen God's wife:::::
+++Sach Tai-Lieu+++Sach VanHoaVietnam++++
All those who promote peace, dialogue, and respect. All those who can come to a great understanding for the beauty in Vietnam and its people.