Movies-women-sports-politic-Music-money...Le paradoxe.
-The man who sold the world.
-Beautiful girls and people with a beautiful soul...
-A man who'll give money for his documentary.
- A belgian director who does funny movies.
value="cy=un&il=1&channel=72057594043383096&site" /
.. width="425" height="350" ..
Jetsex-Sébastien Schuller-Ravel-Kurt Cobain-Soundgarden-Pearl Jam-Le ROCK'N ROLL-Pink Floyd- The Smiths-The Strokes- John Mayall-Peter Green-The Yardbirds-The Who- french touch-James Brown- Prince - MJ-The Sex Pistols-Led Zeppelin-The Clash-Jacques Brel-Brassens-Radiohead-Chava Alberstein-Ali Farka Touré-Sigur Ros-Chemical Brothers-Fat boy Rollins-N'Guyen Lé-Weather report-Radihead-Divine Comedy-Sepultura-Metallica... Cet ennoncé ne répond à aucune logique de classification... Et oui j'ai des goûts ecclectiques et alors ?
Kubrick-Kusturica-Kasso-Resnais-Les néoréalistes italiens-The french new wave-Les italos americains-Sokurov-Rothemund-Gilles Marchand-And a lot of guys..... width="425" height="350" ..
Mes mains ont la parole .
Edgar Poe-Guy de Maupassant-Albert Camus-Romain Garry- Michel Houellbecque-H.P Lovecraft- Yiddish Tales-Joann Sfar-Art Sipgelmann-Dostoievski-Pouchkine-Kafka-Hugo-Balzac-Zola-Alai
n-Cioran-Arthur Schnitzler-Italo Calvino-Primo Lévi-Benny Lévy-Marek Halter-Goscinny-Morris-Franquin-Loisel-Corneille-Molière-Ra
cine-E.Rostand-Oscar Wilde-Nabokov-The Holy Texts-The greek mythologie-and many others to discover...
Ceux qui tentent, qui osent, qui font. Quelque soit le resultat...