music, movies, laughter, ya know... stuff... i like coffee.
Um.. isn't the question more like... who WOULDN'T i like to meet? see that one.. that one i can answer. the whole i'd like to meet thing is kinda lame in my opinion. because really and truthfully... if you are in the process of meeting someone face to face. does it matter if you "liked to meet them"? Well apparently not, i mean you are already meeting them.. so my answer to this question without making it complicated (lol) is simply this. I'd like to meet who i meet. LOL that says nothing i know. some of the coolest people ever that i would like to meet are Kristin Chenoweth.Paul. Enoch. Joan of Arc. Abraham Lincoln. Mary Poppins. Peter Pan. Any of the Xmen.... Ya know. the usual.
lots of music... everything except for what they play at Panera Bread company. (sorry panera.. me no likey)
Devotion for Mary Poppins will never change. But... new favs..hmmm.... I'm gonna go with Music Man. Not the lam-o old one.. but the new disney one... with my heart-throb... kristin chenoweth
LOST... holy crap that show is good... and of course... American Idol has me as a regular as well.
The Giver, The Chronicles of Narnia, A Wrinkle in Time, Many Waters, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, hmmm.. other the Bible.
if only the xmen were real!