frAnciscZaeRina profile picture



About Me

I Like BeiN aROunD PeoPlE I LovE 2 DrInK aNd ParTeE I SO mUcH LovE 2 DaNcE i LoVe ShOppIng itS LiKe my Lyf i LoVe CuTe BAbY tEEs aNd FLiP fLoPs thE maLL iS My OthER Half I HatE mY JoB bUT i hAve NO ChoiCE I I LOVe ThE WEEkeNd I sO LOVe pAYdAYs I aLSo LOvE My BeD anD mY tRainOr tHinkS mY vAnIty iS ToO mUch wHicH i tHinK iS sO tRUe aS wELL i CaNt Be wIThOuT a MiRrOr AS WeLL I LOve My MasCArA I liKe StAying uP LAte DoiN NothiNG aNd sUmtyMs JusT ThiNk Of StRaNgE ThInGS I CaNt Be withOut My PhOne NexT To thE maLL iTs My OtHer LIfe I DriNk A LOt I sMoKe a Lot I LiKe GeTTin DrUnK I EaT aLot I DefiNTlY LoVe 2 SlEep And JuSt Be LazYmY FrIenDS Are MY liFE I CAnT Be WithOUt TheM...---somEdaY ThInGS WiLL gO uR wAY,f U hOLD oN fOr 1 mOrE dAY---[iAm yEr bLaCkFOrEsT vAnILLA anD yER pRINCeSS No MOrE...] i LoVe mY cHocL8FudGe he's what i consider my destiny!!!!

My Interests

hanging out,bar hoppin'

I'd like to meet:

people with different personalities,who acts and thinks like me.. but as for sm1 to be with?well what more can i ask for? i have my happy..


r&b, slow jams


pretty woman,city of angels and ice age


cartoon network,csi miami and vegas, will and grace and sex and the city


tuesdays with morrie,boy meets girl,i kissed dating goodbye


kapitan gulang!!!! wahahahaha..joke lang beb!!!

My Blog

my boo

There's always that one person That will always have your heart You'll never see it coming Cause you're blinded from the start Know that you're that one for me It's clear for everyone to see Ooh baby ...
Posted by frAnciscZaeRina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

our song...

For you I give a lifetime of stability,Anything you want of meNothing is impossibleFor you there are no words or ways to show my loveOr all the thoughts I'm thinking of'Cause this life is no good alon...
Posted by frAnciscZaeRina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the song

I see us in the park strolling the summer days of imaginings in my head. And words from our hearts told only to the winds felt even without being said. I don't want to bore you with my trouble...
Posted by frAnciscZaeRina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

pa-morningan beb!!!

wala lng beb?!bkit may issue ba tau dun?i cant wait til the next pamorningan with you--hehehehe.. i love every single moment with you i love you cause you love my friends and my family and im willin ...
Posted by frAnciscZaeRina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

better look at this bby!!!

it may seem like a lot of times that i thought that i was really in love.. but i know this time its really you know that feeling where u feel so incomplete when ur not beside the one y...
Posted by frAnciscZaeRina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

feeling aint the same..

we wer meant to be supposed to be but we lost it..all this time u wer pretending so much for my happy ending.. u wer everything,evertyhing that i wanted..
Posted by frAnciscZaeRina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

nice 1..

Some people want it all But I don't want nothing at all If it ain't you baby If I ain't got you baby Some people want diamond rings Some just want everything But everything means nothing ...
Posted by frAnciscZaeRina on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST