jAcqÃœe profile picture



About Me

=TwiSted= wicKed =IntElligeNt= LouD =pRoud= SmOOth TaLkeR =imPuLSive= maNic-DepreSSive =dRinKer buT Not a sMokeR= coFFee adDict =faShi.. GiMikeRa =moVie juNkie= DaNcer bUt nOt a SiNgeR =bOOk wOrM= wHineR =criTiCal tHinkEr= maSteR sPammer =oVer AnalyzEr= gReaT LOVER =CertiFied Miss C.. fRiendSteR moDeRator =AviD tExteR= SocIaL buTTerFly =CounSeLLor= AdVisEr =ArGumeNtaTive= sP..FuN LoviNg= ThriLL seeKer =TaLkeR buT Not a veRy gOOd LisTenEr= DaNgerouS =LiFe oF thE pArteE= LoVeS aTTeNtioN =heArtBreaKer= LaWbReaker =aSskicKer= haTes rouTines =BoreD eaSiLy= AcHieVeR =FiGhteR= MoRe oF a GiveR thAn a TakEr =deMandiNg= aMbiTioUs =EgoTistiC= m&m's sUppoRteR =CaRnivoRouS= C2 dRinKer =aRacHnopHobiC= joLLibee's ChicKen aNd paLaboK meAL LoVeR =WanNa-bE haTEr= waLL cLimBer =ceRtifiEd BeLLayeR= BeaCh aLLeRgiC =StaRLet iN traiNing= SupErgoDdeSs iN tHe maKinG =sTrOngeR than whaT peOpLe giVe me CreDit For= haTes baiNg TakeN fOr GraNted =feArs reJectiOn BIGTIME= i am inLOve.. wHoo!!!

My Interests

Reading books, Watching Movies, Dancing, Drinking, TEXTING, Malling..


r&b, alternative, pop, rock, dance, grunge


Moulin Rouge!, Somewhere in Time, Sweet November, Untamed Hearts, Bridget Jones' Diary, Harry Potter 1&2, Lord of the Rings 1-3, Forrest Gump, Finding Nemo, Chicago, KILL BILL!


Charmed, Fear Factor, Just Shoot Me, Will and Grace, Sex and the City, Spin City, Hollywood Squares


The Little Prince, Jessica Zafra Books, Harry Potter 1-5, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, Tuesdays with Morrie, Love Story, Books by Bob Ong, Jackie Collins’ Books.

My Blog


what does he want from me? im confused.. im lost again.. i have never loved a man as much as i loved him.. he breaks my heart again and again but he is still the only one that can make it complete...
Posted by jAcqÜe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

thinking aloud..

im over him.. and im happy.. well it was his loss anyway.. why should i be bothered? i still cant believe that ive settled for anything other than the best.. ive always believed that i am de...
Posted by jAcqÜe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

aCCidenTaLLy inLove

So she said what's the problem baby What's the problem I don't know Well maybe I'm in love (love) Think about it every time I think about it Can't stop thinking 'bout it How much longer ...
Posted by jAcqÜe on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST