I am sick & tired of people saying Hinduism & Sikhism are supposed to be seperate....Hindus & Sikhs have the same ancestors, the same blood, & are part of the same Aryan race...The Gurus never wanted to divide or seperate people into a HINDU & SIKH catagory. They wanted everyone to UNITE as ONE. They were against religion, they were against religious rituals, & they were against religious fighting....The Gurus were not against Hindu teachings but against ORTHODOX Hinduism. Those are things like throwing water to the sun, the caste system, wearing beeds, & other things like that which have nothing to do with the Hindu teachings....THINK ABOUT IT....Hindus & Sikhs both believe in Karma, Dharma, Reincarnation, being vegetarian (sorta), & reaching Nirvana to break the cycle of birth....If thats not enough most North Indian families in those days never seperated into a Hindu & Sikh catagory. Most North Indian families would remain "Hindu" while the eldest son was a "Sikh" because the Gurus wanted everyone to UNITE not seperate....And if thats not enough the Gurus even had religious Hindu names like Hari Krishn, Ram Das, & Arjun Dev. Remember these are not regular average names. These are hardcore religious Hindu names. I mean thats like a spiritual person changing his name to "praise Jesus" & then years later people say o well that doesnt mean he believed in Jesus?....And if all this still isnt enough well lets not forget that even the Guru Granth Sahib has tons & tons of Hindu chantings....LOOK....The reason some people disagree with me is because alot of them never bother to read BOTH the Hindu & Sikh teachings. They just go by what they hear, they get there info from biast websites, & alot of these people read books written by NON INDIANS. Alot of these people grow up in hardcore Punjabi families & are so full of Punjabi pride that they think being Punjabi is a seperate race thats different from everyone else. Some of these people WANT hindus & sikhs to be seperate cuz they have a Khalistan agenda....BUT LOOK....Im asking the normal people to read the ACTUAL HINDU & SIKH teachings and to study Indian history before they say Hindus & Sikhs are supposed to be seperate. Im asking the normal people to look at the bigger picture....The Gurus didnt want to divide people into seperate religions or into a Hindu & Sikh catagory. They wanted us to unite as ONE....Hindus & Sikhs are supposed to be ONE.