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India gave up a third of its land so that Muslims could have a Pakistan country. I mean no other country in the world, NOT EVEN PAKISTAN, would give up that much land for anybody. So after Pakistan got so much land from India what right do they have to fight for Kashmir?
India & Pakistan both agreed to let the prince of Kashmir, HARI SINGH, choose who would get Kashmir. But before the prince made a decision Pakistan invaded Kashmir & took half the land. So after Pakistan stole half of Kashmir what right do they have to fight for the other half?
After Pakistan invaded Kashmir HARI SINGH sighned all of Kashmir to India. So shouldnt that end the debate? What right does Pakistan have to fight for Kashmir when the prince sighned it to India?....Keep reading to find out what they say
See Pakistan NOW CLAIMS there fighting for Kashmir cuz India doesnt treat Muslims fairly....COME ON....India has the 3rd largest Muslim population in the world & has a Muslim president. If India didnt treat Muslims fairly why would they have a Muslim President? And why would a Muslim President be mean to his own Muslim people? And why would India have the 3rd largest Muslim population in the world? And why would they let Muslims work in the army, government, & Bollywood industry, if they didnt treat Muslims fairly?....O by the way....When did Pakistan become a tolerant country? Does anyone actually think the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is more fair then India lol?
Have you ever heard a Pakistani say their should be a vote in Kashmir? U know why they want a vote? Cuz Pakistan sends in crazy Islamic terrorist groups to Kashmir who force out most of the Hindu & Sikh Kashmiris & threaten the Muslims that side with India....So take a guess how the vote would turn out lol.
Now lets pretend im a liar. Lets pretend Pakistan is really fighting for the Kashmiris lol....They say people should be free if thats their choice right?....Well did you know in Pakistan theres 2 groups of people called the Balochis & the Pashtuns & both groups wanna seperate from Pakistan for their own homeland? Take a guess if Pakistan lets them have their free choice.
Now if u thought that was funny well read this....Pakistan says the majority of Kashmiris dont wanna be with India & the majority of people should always get there way....Well lets pretend thats true....Did u know at the time of partition most Indian people, including the Muslims, were against breaking up India to make a Pakistan homeland? So by Pakistan's logic their should have never been a Pakistan country created in the first place because the majority of people were against it....Tell me that aint funny
Last one: If Pakistan really cared about the Kashmiri people why did they give a small piece of Kashmir to China? Anybody have an answer to that one?
Folks let me tell you the real reason Pakistan WANTS KASHMIR...Its to control the water...Thats why there also fighting for a small piece of Gujurat....See whoever controls Kashmir & the piece in Gujurat controls the water....THATS ALL IT IS....But I could be wrong....Maybe Pakistan wants to free the Gujuratis to?