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I joined the Air Force in july 2005 got through basic trainning, and that was nothing. well at least compaired to tech school trainning man life sucked i woke up before the crack ass of dawn and was out marching to the school house and started school all before the sun came out. I became a medic for the airforce and if in case your wondering wat I do well if I am not deployed I work in hospitals and clinics, but when I am deployed I work in not only on the field but a tent which is a deployable hospital. Anyways back to tech school I got wash back twice over the NREMT test which is really fuckin hard but finally got through that and my phase 2 trainning and now I am in the operational Air Force and glad to be doing what I do because with just my two hands I can be the diference in saving someones life. I now am in Utah and i work in the family practice clinic I screen in patients all day. That really sucks too because I used to work in an E.R. and thats where I used all my skills that I have learned. but I guess you got to start somewhere. Utah isn't the greatest place to be but I have met some cool people and they are helping passing the time... I also now have a son, Hayden Michael Kim, he is the one reason that drives me and the only person who i now can pass on my life to, he is everything i am, but he will be so much greater than i will ever be, that is my goal for his life and the rest of mine! You will never find a better way to find yourself than being in your childs life, and he will always and forever show me the way!!!ALWAYS REMEMBER..... THE TROOPS THAT SERVE, THE TROOPS THAT ARE INJURED, BUT MOST OF ALL THE TROOPS THAT HAVE DIED...... TRYING TO PROTECT OUR GREAT COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN..............
You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don't believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).Agnosticism is a philosophy that God's existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
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