Boxer Briefs,boomboxes, Big Hands,business attire, tambourines,traveling circuses, jello shots, beer bongs,pirates, ponytails, carnies,corndogs, roadies, tour managers,tarot cards, sushi, sexy wine holders, nip/tuck, purpled teeth, Atlantis, aliens,football, camo cargo shorts,cops, moustaches, marc jacobs, maniac motorcycles, big daddies, rough-housing, rollerblades, the dark horse, denny, dae dae,dennis, hairy chests, big guns, ass tattoos, stubble burn, spankings.
Cristiano Ronaldo. ..
The Strokes.
Almost Famous, In Transit, Spinal Tap, David Blaine Street Magic, Secretary, Edward Scissorhands, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,Shopgirl, The Life Aquatic, Slumber Party Massacre, The Science of Sleep, Chocolat, Amelie
The O.C., Project Runway
I'm with the Band, by Pamela Des Barres