T.J. and Kyan's momma profile picture

T.J. and Kyan's momma

Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life.

About Me

Hey Hey! Torrence and I finally got married!! YAY! March 29, 2008 bout FREAKIN TIME! The wedding was great, cold outside but great, when I get the pictures back I will have some up. The boys were sooooo handsome that day, especially my TJ in his little short suit outfit-toooooooo cute! Tj is a wreck -whats new- he knows he is a funny little boy and won't be in trouble for long when he misbehaves. Can't help but laugh at him! Can't believe he is 2, where did the time go? Not to long ago he was just born and so sweet in his crib the few hours a day he actually slept. Now he is bad and copies everything you say! We were in the mall in Wilmington and Whitney said "it smells like sh*t in here" TJ repeats it back, only louder. I only wish he would use the potty, my only request.. Please? Pretty Please? Thats a negative ghost rider. But he is just so pretty, people still think he is a girl, Kyan too. The most beautiful smile you have ever seen, and you see it a lot when you are around him, all he does is laugh and be silly.(he gets that from his daddy!) My Kyan is as sweet as sugar! 5 months old and I call him my Chunky Munky, soooo chubby, I love it! I was really blessed with Kyan, SUCH A GOOD BABY! Sleeps so well at night, **knock on wood** The time has went by so fast with him, with TJ it dragged on because I was so miserable, now I don't know where the time has gone! He is already trying to crawl, he said he has places to be! Trying to keep up with big bro! Tj is doing really well most of the time with him, has adjusted. He tries to play and feed him food, doesn't quite understand that Kyan doesn't want a Diego Fruit Snack. Torrence is joining the Army soon, so we will be on our way somewhere, and I will be quitting work and doing school full time *yay me* I am really excited to see the world and finally get my degree and teach, I am just wayyyy to smart to be working these dead end jobs forever when I could be teaching kids and "helping the world" in my small little way. Hit me up you know the number!!! Love you guys! ~*AMANDA*~ love layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I've already met the man that sets my heart asunder. A real man that knows me and knows how to treat a woman right. He may not be perfect all the time, but God gave him to me and only HE can take him away.Just here to reunite with some old friends and meet some new ones. You Kno!



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You Are an Orange Rose
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Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar

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AMANDA A-Z [A is for age:] 19[B is for booze of choice:] Smirnoff, but whatever I can get my underage hands on does the trick most of the time[C is for career:] Food Lion... I used to like it... if they give me a raise, I might learn to like it again.[D is for your dog's name:] I have three; Ginger, my fatty girl... Chloe, the annoying one... Mocha, my baby(I lub her mostest)[E is for an essential item you use everyday:] deodorant, soap, toothpaste, mascara[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Anything by Heather Headly[G is for favorite games:] Monopoly, but no one ever wants to play with me :([H is for hometown:] Jacksonville, NC[I is for instruments you play:] used to play the clarinet[J is for your favorite piece of Jewelry] My diamond earings I got from Torrence on our first Christmas[K is for kids?:] I have a little boy, I sure do love my TJ[L is for last kiss?:] Torrence this morning before he left for work[M is for mom's job:] Food Lion, grandma[N is for name of your crush:] Not really a crush, but I love Torrence[O is for overnight hospital stays:] Just two nights when I gave birth to TJ[P is for phobias:] ROACHES and any other bug....YUCK[Q is for favorite Quote:] "Thats gonna leave a mark...." Chris Farley[R is for biggest regrets:] LOTS, but I am forgetting them as I go[S is for status:] In a relationship, we have talked about getting married... nothing is set in stone[T is for time you wake up] Which time... the 1:00 am feeding... 5:30 am feeding or the 8:00 am?[U is for underwear:] I definitely like to shop for them, I need some new ones now that I have lost some of the baby weight[V is for vegetable you love:] steamed carrots[W is for worst habit:] Biting my nails, I have tried to stop soooo many times[X is for x-rays you've had:] Right foot, broke it in the 6th grade[Y is for yummy food you make:] I can make some serious Rice Krispy Treats.. they are famous 'round here![Z is for your favorite animal at the Zoo:] I would have to say, the monkeys, they are cute

My Blog

love and other disasters.

It is crazy how one person can consume your thoughts. Every thing in your life can be traced back to that person. Random things bring up a memory with them. Like you are doing something that you do al...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 07:08:00 PST

Update on Kyan/life

Poor baby is doing much better. For those of you who hadn't heard he was in the emergency room for 13 hours. They still don't really know what was wrong with him. Some type of infection. He had a temp...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 08:34:00 PST


Life is very interesting. The twists and turns make your life crazy and fun but they can also make it hard and disheartening. I wonder how all this just happens all at once. Like they say... when it r...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 02:43:00 PST

Crazy dream.

Had a dream with you in it! I haven't had a dream i could wake up and remember in a long time. It was so real. I could touch you and you touched me, and I swear I felt it. I said you know I am sorry.....
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Thu, 22 May 2008 06:43:00 PST

A lot on my mind

I want to just hit someone. I don't know how else to get my anger out! It is just crazy how much you can dislike someone. I have so much to do in one day that i hardly even have time to shower some da...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Wed, 14 May 2008 08:15:00 PST

Good morning

So tired. Feels like no matter how much sleep I get, I am exhausted. Can't wait for this to be over! I hate this feeling. Few more months and good solid sleep will be in the forecast for me. Got a lot...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Thu, 08 May 2008 06:15:00 PST

My life

Is just that. MINE. Talking junk like its going to bother me. It won't. Had bigger things to worry about. But i do want to get a few things straight. Number one. I did NOT overdose on my prescribed me...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Sun, 04 May 2008 11:13:00 PST


People make me laugh. I really don't know what else to say bout that! They want to get on here and talk about how they don't need a man to validate them and what do they do run to the first thing with...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 09:52:00 PST

Loving me first

I give all of me to every one else and save nothing for me. I love my kids like nothing else but i want to be selfish and have friends and go out. I am 21 years old and not happy. I need to learn to l...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 04:03:00 PST

Tired of being tired of being tired

I am so tired of living like this. Tired of crying and being upset. People suck. Don't know what else to say about that. I quit my job to get away and the drama follows me... I try to be the better pe...
Posted by T.J. and Kyan's momma on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 05:03:00 PST