I dont Shine, I illuminate the whole show Blezzy profile picture

I dont Shine, I illuminate the whole show Blezzy

I did not play the hand I was dealt, I changed my cards...I prayed to the sky and I changed my Stars

About Me

Where do I start?

Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com

I graduated with my Bachelors in Professional Studies and I am currently pursuing my Masters @ Hofstra University- Masters in Healthcare Administration. After I take the required classes, I will be going for my license to be a Nursing Home Administrator. Currently I am the Director of Marketing & Hospitality in Brooklyn, and everyday I am trying to make a difference. As you can see, I have no kids. I'm not procrastinating, I just have a lot to take care of before I can make that committment. Fact of the matter is, I don't want to fuck up my childrens life! Life is a process and in order for you to take full advantage of that process, you must first make the sacrifice; so not being at father until everything is complete is my sacrifice.

My Interests

My interest is learning how to fix my house. I just got my first house in Queens NY (I never thought this would happen at 27)...Shit I guess your boy Rich doing pretty damn good! Oh, I also just purchase a new car (Chrystler 300) and I plan to have it dubb out by next summer.

Hosted at YourSpaceNow.com

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I'd like to meet:

Dave Chappelle, Martin Lawrence AND Chris Tucker. Those Dudes are funny as shit! .hov:hover{background-color:yellow

BlitzNYC- I Gotta Leave Him A Comment!

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Figure it out. I am a late 70's baby...You figure it out!


You gotta post comments here so Say What You Gotta Say, Leave It!

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Prison Break, House, Grey Anatomy, Family Guy...I love Cartoons, especially Saturday Morning Cartoon. I am a big kid with it and I don't really care. I even watch Disney Movies with my nieces and really get into it. I don't give a shit!


Currenly i am just reading my requirements. But there is a few books I recommend for everyone to read and that's "Breaking the curse of Willie Lynch" (yes that is where Lyncing a nigga comes from) author: Alvin Morrow, "The Envy of the world - on being a Black man in America", Author: Ellis Cose, "The Art of War" Author: Sun Tzu, "Turbulent Souls-A Catholic Son's Return to his Jewish Family" Author: Stephen J. Dubner and Last but not least, "Jews without Money" Author: Michael Gold,Introduced by Alfred Kazin.
