Catacomb Gangsta profile picture

Catacomb Gangsta

The queen of 117th and Franklin

About Me

Infrequently Asked Questions (since I have no idea what else to put here)
Do you like living in Cleveland? I just moved here, so yes. I come from a small redneck town, and when I say 'small redneck town' I mean SMALL REDNECK TOWN. The kind of place where digging fence post holes is a sport and the most exciting time of year is hunting season. Cleveland is filled with fun and excitement and bars. Mmm, bars. And no one says 'ya'll' around here. What do you do for a living? I sell babies on the black market and smuggle cocaine into the country in my orifices. And when I'm bored, I serve drinks. What kind of music do you like? Goth, punk, emo, horror punk (see: Aiden), a lot of the shit they play on Fuse that probably gets people sneering at me when I say punk or emo. I guess I'm a gothpunk. But if we're talking labels I prefer to be considered a transsexual lesbian midget stripper crackwhore (I was on Jerry Springer once). Do you have a boyfriend? Yes. He's hot and he's a vampire rock star and he will eat your damn soul. When he's not eating souls he's a music photographer. If you see us at a show (we're usually found at House of Blues, The Agora, or Peabodys) don't be afraid to come say hi. He really doesn't eat souls. I mean, would something this lovely eat souls?: Well actually, I forget that it's usually pretty things that suck out your soul. Oh well, come say hi anyway. You don't need your soul for anything. Do you have any kids? Yes. This is my son Cain. The best part of this picture is how well the background compliments his outfit. But in my defense, I don't live there anymore. He's 14. And obviously, just like me. It makes a mother proud. What do you do for fun? I'm assuming this is where I expound upon my 'hobbies.' I wanted to be a writer when I grew up, but when I grew up--although I still write--I didn't make a profession out of it so I guess it's still a hobby. I like roller derby but I can't participate in it because I can't afford health insurance (sad but true). I really enjoy cooking and baking, which is the excuse I use for why I've worked most of my adult life in food service instead of getting a decent job. I like to drink and I'm quite good at it. I guess one out of four isn't bad. I also have a freakish obsession with scented candles. How come your blog sucks? Cause I never write in it. I have a LiveJournal that I mostly write in, but I don't write much in it anymore either. I'll try to be more interesting in the future. Also, I'm terrible at leaving comments or answering my own. I suck at myspace.I have a gazillion pictures on here, but if you want to see more pictures of my exciting, fast-paced life, visit my photobucket . I promise you will be touched. Inappropriately. Brently made this for me because he thinks I'm cool.

My Interests

music, writing, concerts, shoes, candles, dying my hair, makeup, shopping in thrift stores, cleveland, driving, my pt cruiser, decorating my bedroom walls, goth, traveling, seahorses, draven, hot topic, my ipod, adventure, working with food, reading, obtaining useless knowledge, learning how everything works, being a mommy, my boyfriend, boots, vampires, history, mosh pits, windchimes, sex, clothes, alcohol, kitties, big cities, grammar, diet coke, red bull, cute socks, vanilla body spray, summer, the ocean, nicholas cage, roller derby

I'd like to meet:



* Silverstein* AFI* 30 Seconds to Mars * The 69 Eyes* Fall Out Boy* The Rasmus* Blue October* The Misfits * Gym Class Heroes* Dave Matthews Band* Matchbox 20* Orgy* The Killers* All-American Rejects* The Academy Is...* Lostprophets* Louis XIV* Franz Ferdinand* Howie Day* John Mayer* Kenny Wayne Shepherd* Frank Sinatra* Nat King Cole* Morningwood* Panic! At the Disco* Type O Negative* The Ramones* Death Cab For Cutie* Program The Dead* It Dies Today* hellogoodbye* The Dresden Dolls* The Cruxshadows* I Am Ghost* Sugarcult* Nightmare of You* Mae* Betty Curse


If Quentin Tarintino made it, I'll watch it.


Aqua Teen Hunger Force, South Park, Viva La Bam, Family Guy, Fuse, The Discovery Channel (I'm educated!)


Harry Potter, Anne Rice's pre-crazy works


- Wil Francis of Aiden because he is the kindest, most positive, inspirational, and awe-inspiring person I've ever met. His humbleness is what makes him amazing, because he's really something special. He literally changed my life (oh how cliche).- JK Rowling and Anne Rice (before she went crazy), because they created the kind of worlds through writing that people will never forget. - Brian, for not thinking I'm too lame to date and love.

My Blog


It's been forever since I updated this blog.  I keep promising I'll do it more in the future, but you know what?I PROBABLY WON'T.I live in Cleveland now and my whole life has changed.  How's...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Sat, 12 May 2007 10:25:00 PST

Do you have the time to listen to me whine?

If you don't want to listen to me whine and be disgustingly sappy, you best move along right now.It's a really insane feeling, to be both incredibly happy and incredibly miserable at the same time.&nb...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 05:47:00 PST

I'm a lazy bitch.

My boyfriend is washing my car right now while I laze around on his computer.  Later, he's going to cook me dinner, probably while I laze around on my computer.This is the life.AND he puts out. A...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 01:49:00 PST

A small recap (with pictures!) of The 69 Eyes show!

The 69 Eyes/Cradle of Filth show was awesome.  Brian and I went in Cradle's mosh pit and I have lots of lovely bruises to show for it.  My son had a freakin' blast.  Jyrki is the most c...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 05:45:00 PST

69 Eyes!

I never post in this thing.  I need to do that more.  I'm not sure anyone is actually reading it though, so does it matter?  How existential.  If a blogger posts a blog on myspace ...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 05:49:00 PST

I'm on my way to see Fall Out Boy...

And you're not.  NYAH!
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:15:00 PST

Happy Birthday to my hero...

Usually I don't make a big fuss about my favorite celeb's birthdays, but today is Wil Francis of Aiden's...26th?...birthday and I thought it warranted something special.  Not like he's gonna see ...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 08:59:00 PST

Happy New Year!

I celebrated by...not partying!  It's like reverse psychology or something!Instead I spent my New Year's Eve snuggled up to my boyfriend on the couch in our pajamas, watching TV.  Which was ...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 08:31:00 PST

It was a Merry Christmas eve!

Brian's family threw a huge Christmas Eve party, which was something new to me, because my family only gets together for weddings and funerals.   It's true! Before I get all stupid here, let...
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 09:31:00 PST

Merry Xmas!

I'm at Brian's, I've had too much x-mas ale, and I'm HAVING A GREAT TIME.HOW'S YOUR CHRISTMAS?
Posted by Catacomb Gangsta on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 05:22:00 PST