Playing pool, Taekwondo, Kick boxing, Travelling,alcohol,tattoos,art,meeting cool people,music,films,vodka and other stuff!!
BRANDON BOYD!! cos he is FINE!! Anyone who is easy going and up for a laugh.
yeah music is great! u would look well stupid if u was just dancin to nothing! im into hip hop, bhangra, some metal and r n b.
The Crow, The Pest not alot of people i know have seen it but that film is jokes watch it, Indian ones, Comdies, Horrors, Action films i love Rockey the Italian Stallion!, Animations im a big kid, blah blah blah
Simpsons, Futurama, Talk shows Jeremy Kyle, Malcom in the middle, Lost, Little Britan is the best thing since sliced bread im not a fan of soaps.
wot are they???????
My Daddy!! Bruce and Brandon Lee