A Short History of Scampering.
In the summer of 2001 I lived in Dublin. Like everyone then, I was drawn to Whelan's on Wexford St, the heartbeat of music at the time. Two people there took me under their wing. Glen Hansard and Mic Christopher. They were my heroes and inspired the hell out of me. Not because of how talented they were but for the way they lived their lives. True romantic troubadours with an endless amount of love for each other, those around them and adventure. Later that year Mic had an accident and passed away. That's not my story to tell.
In 2003 I bought a guitar and began learning Mic's songs, to champion in some small way the work he left behind. I had never sung before. It seemed ok to sing. Shortly after that I started writing my own songs. I formed a band. That turned out to be a complete disaster. I now write and record songs on my own in my kitchen on High St. in Galway city. In my spare time I play with my goldfish Tom Selleck, cut my friends hair, fly aeroplanes and teach anatomy to medical students. You're not likely to ever see me at a venue near you. Everything seems to be ok.
el scamperino!
Legend has it, he earned his name on the wild plains of Spain... In an insane attempt to earn some piousness and the right to ride high moral horses, he ambled along the camino to Santiago, the way of St James... Tragically, after only one hundred kilometres, sleepless, with blistered and bloody feet he disappeared from the trail... never to be seen again by his fellow pilgrims...*
*One rumour suggests he hopped a train to Santander and spent the rest of his "pilgrimage" getting drunk on a beach... this rumour is true.