moUntain biKing, lost and lots of mOviEs, muSic, PC games, waLking thru the rain, sleeping on the sofa, great conversations, stayin up all night
people from all places.
The bLues, aLternative, funk, garage, punk rock, new wave, r&b, cynthia alexander LIVE especially, SPY (anyone else remember em?), P.O.T.
aLmOst FamOus __ ForrEst gump __ So cLose __ JacKass __ True Lies __ The Professional __ What Lies Beneath __ High FideLity __ i aM sam __ mOnsters iNc. __ LoVe affair __ AmeLie __ pUnch drUnk LOvE __ Forget paRis __ An American in Paris!!!
s: NEWS, The ScrEEn Savers, CaLL for heLp, CSI, 6feet unDer, FrontiErs of ConstructiOn, pOwer zOne, DiscOvery's A cOOk's tour, WiLL & gracE, SpOngebOb, David Letterman
The Last Temptation of Christ, The DaVinci code
my dad. got a problem with that..?