design,art,screen printing, music, climbing,coffee,surfing long ass bike rides, people.
more surfers...drinkers, and non drum playing muscians...
quicksand slip is my morning soundtrack 3 times a week at least, ambulette, johnny cash, lifetime, turning point, atmosphere, the shins, modest mouse.....and so much more.
beat street,style wars,, breakin 1+2, 3 lane black top american grafitti, clockwork orange , bones brigade stuff, old skate videos, spinal tap, the blues brothers, basquiat, dancer in the dark, a beautiful mind, americanbeauty,donniedarko,hackers,clerks,mallrats,garden state,la confidential,
cartoons,law & order, house, entourage,deadwood, sopranos.
i have a bunch althought the only one i seem to ever use is my sketchbook.
sure i have some .