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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm a painter who paints birds that are bigger than you, a graphic designer, and a biker who likes the uphills best and occasionally pedals through international border checkpoints with contraband fruit. Intentionally wordy and accidentally competetive, prone to falling down when I throw punches. I spend a lot of time staring at ship rigging, accidentally swallowing cobalt and cadmium, climbing over things, mentally picturing myself dancing really well while dancing dubiously, engaging in occasional piracy, and admitting I don't know how to properly wear hats on my giant head. Fan of psychogeography, pears, stoops, photography, power plant architecture, kickboxing, the infrastructure of other places, the fact that pelicans are real, Jeff Soto, jumping, tobacco barn murals, etymology, taking off my pants, people who work to create ecologically friendly cities, trains, power lines, contradictions (obviously), translations, push ups, almonds, gin, Margaret Kilgallen, ZeFrank, standing over the heat vent, scraping superfluous apostrophes off of store windows. Furthermore; much like Skeelo, I wish I was a little bit taller.

My Interests

Psychogeography, making pictures, making lists, power lines, arguing over semantics, falling asleep in the shower.

I'd like to meet:

Skeelo. Seth Manchester. Myself in a dark alley.
see more crazy cat pics


Dose One, MIA, Aesop Rock, Bloc Party, The Microphones, Gwen Stefani, Regina Spektor, The Knife, Neko Case, Q and not U, Tom Waits, Clipse, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Thee Hydrogen Terrors, Bus Driver, The Smiths, Jawbreaker, Interpol, Ludacris, Alexisonfire, Alkaline Trio, Kool Keith, At The Drive In, The Jam, The Mars Volta, Peaches, V For Vendetta, Kelis, Dagobah, Vic Chestnutt, Rye Coalition, Denim Venom, The Damned, Jetpack, Q-tip, Leatherface, Calexico, Coheeed and Cambria, Leonard Cohen, Pharcyde, HyaKcha, Lightening Bolt, La Bella Angora. What?


Borat, Supersize Me, Punch Drunk Love, Dead Man, Eternal Sunshine, Simple Men, Corey Feldman's vast portfolio of winners, 28 Days Later, The Cruise, Hedwig, Royal Tennenbaums, Life Aquatic, Career Girls, Naked, Lost in Translation, The House of Yes, Fight Club, The Transporter, Triple X, Fast and the Furious, The Princess and the Warrior, Donnie Darko, Snatch, Burnt by the Sun, Lisbon Story, Barton Fink, The Lost Boys, Children of Men.


Arrested Development, Family Guy, my own reflection when it's turned off. Better yet,


The Corrections, Professor & The Madman, My Name is Asher Lev, The Golden Notebook, You Shall Know our Velocity, Red Mafya, Fast Food Nation, The Botany of Desire, Schott's Miscellany, Under Milk Wood, Great Gatsby, Verbatim. Everything by Andrei Codrescu, Nicholson Baker, Sarah Vowell, Alexander Theroux, Phillip Roth, Umberto Eco, Jeanette Winterson, Paul Auster, Johnathan Lethem, David Sedaris, Adrienne Rich, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende.


Jamie Thomas, Because I was once fat and prone to eating insects as well. Jimmy, because he sets the sky on fire and because I can't knock him over. J Hogue, because he's fearlessly allowed me entry to his design empire despite the distinct possibility that I'll topple it. ..

My Blog

Place, Space, Digs and Figs

No figs, actually.Please, please, go to my blog at to read about Project Digs 3, which is in the planning stages and will take place in January.I am still calling for artists...
Posted by Josie on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 08:25:00 PST

Read My Blog

No, not here. It's at apologies to Zano for my not having replied to his blog tag yet. Apparently I am still "it". This feels sorta nice, being "it".
Posted by Josie on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 12:06:00 PST