Not really sure at this point in my life, but I am interested...
Ok, maybe you get this maybe you don't either way.... it's reality. Deal with it.The Classroom 3
Here's the thing about music. Screaming death metal I just don't get and Hip Hop is just becoming trash. I am into music that moves people... the kind of music that causes you to roll the windows down or helps you get through a hard time. Sing me a song and I could paint you a part of my life.
I gotta admit I am a sucker for a romance flick. But honestly, I could watch over and over again any movie with an "EPIC" theme. You know, the ones that make you feel like you can leave the movie theater or your couch and change the world with the blink of an eye. I love it, I need to be a world changer.
Prison Break and The Apprentice are my shows, I love "The Donald"... No one else can claim them because I just did right there.
I am currently reading an author by the name of George MacDonald. Title "Sir Gibbie " , one of several I have read in the past couple of months. If you have never heard of him I highly recommend getting into him. By far one of the greatest thinkers of all time. A good book to start with are his "Unspoken Sermons".