Ice cube jenga, shooting skeet from the perch of a miniature motorcycle, putting the seat down(I know I'm a sissy), jetisoning and flotsamming bottled bogus treasure maps(cruel, I know), pretending to be asleep, pretty girls with conviction who unwittingly speak their minds with a dollop of mustard on the corner of their mouth, instrumental resonance and reverberations, wine+friends=snortling, and just about anything that does not involve cruelty towards the guy holding it down in the caboose!
...or re-meet as it were, the 237th person I met in my life. Just to see who it was. For kicks of course.
Mozart played on a phonograph with a rickety transitor radio gurgling old Anka in the background. Together at last.
Le cinema du fou. J'aime fou vague du cinematique resistance! I'll take an accent grave for $500 please...
"The essence of a good sit-com is that it feature a finnicky, red-headed twin who has issues with the family dog who never shits on the carpet, never sniffs another dogs nether regions and gives off camera solioquys about the hardships of being a dog. This is good T.V. folks!" -Benny Hill from his book, "If I have to chase another gorilla in my knickers, I'll..."
Read 'em, throw 'em away and forget the titles-that is the true definition of a 'bookaphile' if you ask me. But you ain't askin' is ya's!
Paris Hilton's maid, Big Brother, the Dionne Quintuplets(hey, can you say you have 4 other of YOU walking the earth?), Corithian Leather, my scrabble sensei and of course the chief of police.