Support us:
I'd like to meet:
2. DON'T take our credit off
3. We are currently taking requests (see requests rules)
4. DON'T add us if all your gonna do is talk crap
5. DO comment the blog of what layout your using
6. We WON'T help you-sorry
1. message us saying
exactly what you want!
2. don't get angry if its not what you wanted
3. no x-rated themes..thank you
4. we like to take our time with layouts-don't send message saying to hurry up or anything like that
we like mostly anything, but look at our seperate sites to see the individual things we like. =]
Questions & Answers
Q- Can we use your layouts?
A- Oh of course not! their only there for decoration
Q- Can we delete parts of your layout?
A- Simply-no.
Q- Can we change them to fit our needs?
A- um no- see thats why their requests.
Q- Can you teach us how...?
A- no-don't have time.