The truth is...many things are not as they seem...I love great weekends!!! i love hot tub karoake! i love fashion, art, photography, music...especially housie beats that make me shake my booty! a great glass of wine with friends or with a great book...! I love traveling the world, learning to speak japanese, skiing, gymnastics... riding my bike, hanging out with great friends...i love c, spontanity, crazy hair styles, tokyo crazy fahion, the san francisco and tokyo underground music scene! laughing, smiling, loving, eating great food!
maybe you...i want to meet 24 hour a day dreamers and chance takers! People who love to laugh and smile and are not afraid to live, and be crazy! People that share my inspirations for design, fashion, art and music!
The Constant Gardener
I don't watch many great things to see and do here, but i love MTV of course!! Japan MTV that is! also...CNN, BBC, Discovery Channel! and the David Chapelle show is damn funny!
I love to read...too many to list!
my parents! also, people I meet that are really living their life and chasing their dreams, at all cost!