GRIED LEVEL profile picture


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About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Myspace .. Now Icons
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..---------- -- WE ARE WHAT WE WEAR : UNIQUE --- --- -- ---- - -----------I creAte tYpiCal OriGinal cloTHes sTage cOStumEs oR eVeryDaY garMenTs--- ----------- --- Je cRée des vêtEMentS orIginauX UniQues coStUmes De SCène ou FriNgues De TOus leS joUrs ------- - -- - --- ---------- - -- - ---PersONal UniVersEs pEOple'S minDs AnD DReaMs - - - - - ---------------fEElings anD DEsiRes ARe mY sOUrceS oF inSPiratiOn -- - --------- --- ----- ---- - ----RUSH tHe grEYnesS-------- - ----------I liKe TO "HiJack" faBrics -- - ------ -To PLAY wITh perSonaLities---------- - ------ - ----UniVers persoNNels étAts d'âMe RêvEs reSSentis dESirs -- ----SourCes d'insPiraTiOn ------ - -- -Je bOUscule la grisAILle--- - --------- -PIRATE DU CHIFFON --------- - - ---------- -- -- - - ------ ---JOuer aVec les PerSonnaliTés--- - - - --- - ---- ---------- --- - --------- -EnVie de VerSets oNiriQues --- - -- -- --------------- - ---- -- ---- - - -- --- ----Special Thanks to LI Jaune's & to The BeatNikeuz--- - -- --- - ---------- - ----------- ------- - --- -------- ---- - - - --- -

My Interests

- ---- -- -- -- - - -- ------ - --- - - ----PEACE FOR EACH OF US---- - -- - - --- --- -- - ---- ------------- - ---- --- --- -------TATOO On mY RIght shoULder By YANN BLACK (Yourmeatismine) --- ----- --- ---inSPireD by E. Schiele- -- -- -- --- --- --_ _ -- -- -- SisTers 4Ever --- -BirtHDay Time wiZZz Ma Jane-- - -

I'd like to meet:

PeOPle who ENJOY serioUSless Smiling ecCCentrics dreAmers & sURrealists----------- - - ---------- to Share ---------- --------- -- to ComMunicate wiZZz EACH OTHERS-------------------- -- - -----------TO PASS ON EMOTIONS---------- - -- -- -- - -- -- - FasHion but Not adDIct totALLy deSagree witH LalaLand ------------- - - - - ----- - - - - - CeuX qui S aMUsent Qui ne se preNNent PÄS au sErieux ceUX quI SOurIenT eXcentriQues rêVeurs sURréaliStes------- - - -------- -- - -PartageR-------- - ---- - comMuNiquer AvEc les aUtreS---------- - - - ------------- ----- ---PASSER PAR L EMOTION---------- --------------- -- ---- -MoDe pas fasHion victiM en désACCord ToTal avec superFiCiel et flaTTerie-- ------------------------------ - ----- - -- - -


ELLEN ALLIEN--- - --- - _--- -- ---ALAIN BASHUNG- - - ----




Real liFe makEs US DreAm--- -------------- - - -- --SomeTimes ----------- ------- --- - ------------------------ --- --------------- - - - - - - ------------- - - --- -- -- ----------- ---- - - ----SCRAPS _ _ _METAL _ _REFLECTS _BUILDINGS _ _LIGHTSWATER _ _---- -- ---- -------------- ---- --- - ----- - ---------------- - - -- ------------- --- ------- - ---CHINESE NEW YEAR - PARIS 2008 --- ----- --- - - ------ ---- -- -


BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE"Beautiful people do not just happen. The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern...Beautiful people do not just happen..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elizabeth Kubler Ross ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~**VIRGINIA WOOLF** **ANDRE BRETON** -- --- --**JEAN COCTEAU** ------- ------- --- -- --- -- ----*Milan Kundera* --- - ------ --- --------- --- *Gertrude Stein* ---- - - ----- ----- *Boris Vian* --- - ----- ---------*Stephan Zweig* - - ------------ - *William Burroughs* --- - - -------------- -- ---- - -----*Haruki Murakami*----------


PEINTURE-- ------- -- - *JM BASQUIAT*_ --------- - --- ----- *EGON SCHIELE* _ ----------- - ------- ---------- --- --- ------*Yoshitomo Nara*- ----------- - ------- - --------- - --------*René Magritte*----------- ------------ --*Andy Warhol*---- ------ ----- DANSE-------- --- --- *PINA BAUSCH* --- -- - --- - - -

My Blog

Beautiful people

"Beautiful people do not just happen...The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths....
Posted by GRIED LEVEL on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 02:26:00 PST

Personality Quiz

Advanced Global Personality Test Results Extravertie |||||||||||||||||| 80% Stable |||||||||||||||||| 76% Méthodique |||||||||||| 46% Amicale |||||||||||||||||| 76% Interdépendante |||...
Posted by GRIED LEVEL on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 02:29:00 PST