Music, films, friends, party's, photographie, art,Mido, Boerinneke aka Largo Fish, NYC, baseball: Go Antwerp Eagles go!
Studio Brussel, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, A Brand, Queens of the Stone Age, The Beatles, The Stones, Tracy Chapman, Metallica, Elvis Costello, Gomez, The Dandy Warhols, dEUS, Zita Swoon, K's Choice, Life of Agnoy, Bush, Fun Lovin' Criminals, The Doors, Therapy, Lily Allen, Kaiser Chiefs, Gorki,...
Tom Dicillio - Living in Oblivion, Pieter Kuijpers - Offscreen, Robert Rodriguez - Desperado, El Mariachi, The misbehavers - Four Rooms, Alejandro Amenbar - The others, Lars von Trier - Dogville, Steven Soderbergh - Traffic, Frank Miller - Sin City, Wes Anderson - The life aquatic with Steve Zissou, The royal Tenenbaums, Brad Anderson - The Machinist, Lexi Alexander - Hooligans, Ki-duk Kim - Spring, summer, fall, winter,... and spring, John Waters - Cry baby, Antoine Fuqua - Trainig Day, Steve Box and Nick Park - Wallace & Gromit in the curse of the were-rabbit, Jonathan Demme - The Manchurian canidate, Tony Scott - Man on fire, Philip Kaufman - The right stuff, Mike Newell - Donnie Brasco, Lasse Hallstm - What's eating Gilbert Grape, Baz Lurhmann - Romeo + Juliet, Brain De Palma - The untouchables, Carlito's way, Snake eyes, Scarface, Andrew Niccol - Lord of war, Stanley Kubrick - Full metal jacket, Jim Sheridan - In the name of the father, George Cloony - Confession of a dangerous mind, Tim Burton - Big fish, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Franois Ozon - Swimming Pool, Bryan Singer - The usual suspect, Jan Eelen - Het eiland, Vaneigens, In de gloria, Ricky Gervais en Stephen Merchant - The office, Ricky Gervais - Extras, Hans Teeuwen - Industry of love, Trui, Hard en zielig, Roman Polanski - The pianist, John Maybury - The Jacket, Guy Ritchie - Lock, stock and two smoking barrels, Snatch, Revolver, James Mangold - Identity, Gilles Mimouni - L'appartement, Mathieu Kassovitz - La haine, Remy Belvaux - C'est arrive pres de chez vous, Tom Barman - Any way the wind blows, Fernando Meirelles - Cidade de deus, Jean Pierre Jeunet - Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, Delicatessen, George Lucas - Star Wars (allemaal), Francis Ford Coppola - The godfather trilogy, Wolfgang Becker - Good bye Lenin, Sofia Coppola - The virgin suicides, Lost in translation, Marie Antoinette Gus van Sant - Elephant, Jim Jarmush - Ghost dog, the way of the samurai, Christopher Nolan - Memento, Orson Wells - Citizen Kane, Danny Boyle - Trainspotting, Pedro Almodovar - Hable con ella , La mala educacin, Todo sobre mi madre, Paul Haggis - Crash, Darren Aronofsky - Requiem for a dream, The Fountain Sam Mendes - American beauty, David Fincher - Fight club, The game, Se7en, David Lynch - Mullholand drive, Quintin Tarantino - Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill I en II, The man from Hollywood - Four Rooms, Martin Scorsese - Taxi Driver The Departed Gangs of NY Mary Harron - American Psycho Zack Snyder - 300
That 70's Show, Lost, The Simpsons, Hornblower, Sex in the City, Het Eiland, The Office, Spooks, The Sopranos, 24, Battlestar Galactica, ...
JK Rowlings - Harry Potter, Amelie Nothomb - Met angst en beven, Peplum, Cosmetica voor de vijand, ... Herman Brusselmans - Ex Drummer, Uitgeverij Guggenheimer, ... Tom Lanoye - Een slagerszoon met een brilleke, Kartonen dozen, Het goddelijke monster, Zwarte tranen, Boze tongen,... Roald Dahl - alle jeugdliteratuur en boeken voor volwassenen
Casper and Hobbes, Jack Bauer :p