Things sometimes fall apart for a reason. In this case, in was the end of two heavy hitting bands that led to the creation of Ladyfinger. With their rock roots in tow, the band took flight in the fall of 2004 and began down the path of creating a sound that brings the best out of hard rock and indie, and leaves the rest of the crap discarded in the street gutters. The band's debut release Heavy Hands (Saddle Creek Records) is ferocious from beginning to end. The album carries a common theme of subtle confusion and angst against the humdrum of work-a-day life and the complacency that accompanies it. Ladyfinger found a way to record pounding aggression as if it were an instrument, coupled with an intensity that is almost unbridled. After full touring throughout the United States and Europe, the band would begin a metamorphosis from an infantile state to a fully developed powerhouse. The evolution has merged their original breakneck prowess with twisting melodies that remain long after the songs have ended.