I am very into Dance. I have been doing it for about 10 years or so. I go to compititions and such and it is something that is involved in my life almost every day. I also like fairys. They are kiddish yea, but i think that they have a mysteries dangerous side to them when you just look at them . Something that i hide in me that nobody knows about. And well thats all that im going to write for now because if you wanna know more of interest your just going to have to figure them out yourselves. (instant message me sometime)
I would like to meet Johnny Depp...... He is absolutly gorgous though he is around 45 years ... smokin for a gezer. I would also like to meeet Ashton Kutcher just because he has a kinda cocky sense of humor. Maybe even Amy Lee from Evanescence because I think that she is beatiful and has the best personality. Last but not least Adam Sandler because he is funnier than HELL!!!!
Music well I Like everything from Metal to Rap to hiphop but just screw country becuase I can't handle that.
Lets make this easy and short. I like horror and Comedy.
Never watch T.V. Hav'nt you heard its bad for the brain? Except for a few shows that i watch occasionally.( but the ones i watch dont ruin the brain.)
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