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sid simpatico

Le Freak

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Get Your Own Voice Player Manage~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Ten rules about Life1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's yours to keep for the entire period.2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called "Life. "3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that ultimately "work."4. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that doesn't contain its lessons. If you are alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned.6. "There" is no better place than "here." When your "there" has become a "here," you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."7. Other people are merely mirror of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.9. Your answers lie within you. The answers to life's questions lie within you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.10. You will forget all this.Isn't That Fascinating? Everything in Your Outer Life Happens Inside First. Did you know that everything physical in your life is just a reflection of everything going on inside you? Your physical life is an "expression" or " pressing outward" of your inner landscape. Some people call this process "out- picturing." It is the process of taking your inner thoughts and feelings and making them real.If you are avoiding someone and hoping with all your heart that you do not run into that person, guess what? Chances are that you will see that person. Why? Because it is an expression of the film that you have been playing over and over in your mind.So if you have a recurring problem on the physical plane, do not try to fix it with physical solution. You won't get anywhere fast and it is hard work! Work on your inner landscape instead.Take a look inside. What are your thoughts? What are your feelings? What are you chewing on inside? What are you obsessing about? When you catch yourself obsessing about something, just smile and say to yourself, " You're doing that thing you do again!"Keep catching yourself at your own game. Once you get through the initial anger and frustration, you will find yourself amused at how often your mind will return to the same subject. Then the feeling goes from obsession to humor. Once you can see the humor in the situation, your outer situation will change. When you can laugh at yourself, everything in your outer environment automatically fixes itself. You won't have to lift a finger.You may reprint, copy or distribute complete copies of "Real Magick" provided this copyright notice and link to is included. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B ecome that high priest, the bee. Drone your way from one fragrant temple to another, nosing into each altar. Drink what's divine-- and while you're there, let some of the sacred cling to your limbs. Wherever you go leave a small trail of its golden crumbs. In your wake the world unfolds its rapture, the fruit of its blooming. Rooms in your house fill with that sweetness your body both makes and eats. ----Paulann Petersen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm a global nomad, third-culture kid, who loves to dance,...Performance artist, massage therapist, techno snob, freak, glam, clothes-collector,..water, fire and fire, I am steam. Overtone Red Dragon, Cancer, Chinese Dragon,...I love: good food, almost any kind of music, everything about Joe (especially the blue or dirty parts!), good sex, dancing on stilts, all of my friends, cats, chocolate, traveling, scuba diving, creating, talking, philosophy, sleeping(anywhere), taking risks, eating well, listening to stories, cats, things that go up and down-rather than round and round, birds, hiking, camping in the Great OutDoors(GOD), cooking for a crowd, CHIPOTLE and anything smoky, playing with fire, safety breaks, TWS, joyscouts, M4 'Ninja stars', mushy-bass-heavy breaks with jet engine noises, being underwater,unicycling, bungee jumping, rollerskating, OODE, Wild Abandon, stretching my body and mind, puzzles, card games, chocolate, asparagus, Mexican food, avocados, ginger, Sasstown, theme parties, LOVE, eggs and The Egg, savory breakfasts, nuts, houseplants, hats, the Swedish chef, shoes, brainstorming possibilities, funderwear,, thrift shopping, pranking people, underworld, making custumes, staying busy, being upside down, coffee.........I'm annoyed by: folding laundry, being woken up rudely or too noon PST (that means you, East coast phone-texters), being told by an employer that I can't express myself in the way I would choose, people who drive under the speed limit in the fast lane, ugly uniforms, light-colored stockings with black shoes, people(especially strangers!) who point out the most obvious features as if I hadn't noticed them yet.....or who use the word "interesting" in a condescending way, fundamentalists who don't have enough common sense to reach their own logical conclusions, anyone with a victim complex, and wet sponges left in the sink._______________________________________________________ _______ _A black man walks into a cafe one early morning and noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, he noticed a white man behind him. The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here."The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:"Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK," "When I grew up I was BLACK," "When I'm sick I'm BLACK," "When I go in the sun I'm BLACK," "When I'm cold I'm BLACK," "When I die I'll be BLACK." "But you sir." "When you're born you're pink," "When you grow up you're white," "When you're sick, you're green," "When you go in the sun you turn red," "When you're cold you turn blue," "And when you die you turn purple." "And you have the nerve to call me colored?"The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...Pass it on if you dislike racism

My Interests

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my friends and acquaintances....I'm not here for the cruise...'you know what I mean? ;]


I like everything from Medieval and Rennaissance to Balkan, experimental electronic to Gypsy Punk and African,acid jazz and triphop, post-punk, electro and electro-clash, two-step, DnB, psy-chill, bossa nova, ambient, obscure experimental noise, most anything Icelandic, darkwave, dorkwave, epic-progressive dance music pretty much any wave, glitch, booty, Ghettotech,IDM, EBM, indie, pop, wierd 50s and 60s lounge, jungle, dubstep, garage and atmospheric, Bhangra and Bollywood, folk, Tuvan throat singing, funk, classical pakistani, classic jazz greats....especially the ladies, Klezmer, Chinese opera, ........anything bassy, minor keys, and lot's of changes in metre.

My Blog

Return of the Textes

Apr 20, 11:36 pmP.s. You misspelled douchebag!Apr.24, 8:38 pmCheck your pants cause i've found one of your balls. :)May 5, 1:52 pmAny idea who wrote on my neck?Jun 6, 9:52 ami had so much fun. u were ...
Posted by sid simpatico on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:46:00 PST

even MORE textes!

Nov. 19, 3:49 am That message from astro is so fuckin funny!!  Its the best thing ever   Nov 20, 12:03 pm Can I order in bulk? Does it make a good gift for the holidays? I love your product!...
Posted by sid simpatico on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 02:38:00 PST

Notes From The Road, Vol. XIV

Friday, Oct. 26I wake up as the bus starts moving this morning, thankful that I can nap for awhile before getting up.  As you know, I'm NOT  a morning person, generally.  Since we got i...
Posted by sid simpatico on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 05:14:00 PST

Notes From The Road, Vol. XIII

Today is Friday, Oct. 19th. We--re in Baton Rouge, Louisianna, staying with Robert-a family friend of Chris Long--s Dad. Some of the band stayed at Chris-- Dad--s place, and we--re all eating a delic...
Posted by sid simpatico on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 02:41:00 PST

Notes From The Road, Vol. XII

Tuesday, Oct. 16thJoe and I wake up earlier than anticipated today. Our cute pink room with one window, overlooking the courtyard and pool, is cool and comfortable. It's amazing that we got this thr...
Posted by sid simpatico on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:33:00 PST

Notes From The Road, Vol. XII

Monday, Oct. 14thWe awake in our hot, sticky tent at the Echo Project, ATL, after a much too brief sleep this morning. Even so, it's incredible to have Joe there next to me! I've noticed that I real...
Posted by sid simpatico on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:39:00 PST

Notes Fron The Road, Vol. XI

Continued from Sun., Oct. 13thAfter our show at the Eclipse Stage, we gather our stuff.  The next band after us on that stage is called 'Man Man', and they're effing AWESOME! Sort of the punk sid...
Posted by sid simpatico on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 01:19:00 PST

Notes from The Road, Vol. X

Continued.Monday night, Oct. 8. Knitting Factory, NYC, 90 degreesI'm stoked to see my friends Craig Cady, Mike Messer(who had been @ our Roxy LA show) and Yen Dang at our show again. Also, the infa...
Posted by sid simpatico on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 08:41:00 PST

Notes From The Road, Vol. IX

.....Sunday morning, Oct. 7th dawns with overcast skies and a comfortable 80...which is good;since we'll be parading 3 miles today. After gathering my bedding and suitcase to transfter houses(fortuna...
Posted by sid simpatico on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 02:43:00 PST

Notes From The Road, Vol. VIII

Continued...After gettting all packed up at the church parking lot across the street from our dome in Bloomington, we headed for a long travel day. The first day of Oct. was pretty uneventful, w/ lot...
Posted by sid simpatico on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 12:57:00 PST