fin? profile picture


We're not in East Bentleigh anymore Foot

About Me

you are crime, i am law

this is fin's space of my. no doubt your life has just pinnacled at this moment of it's discovery or return to it (for those who are already my friends). there was a loyalty club card but...
- science fiction revivalist
- aspires to be a director or actress...not happening
- ingests: shakes, beer, donuts, cake, bullets
- slob. lazy. pigheaded. homicidal. homosapien
- wasn't man enough to take on Washington in the cage of death

My Interests

jaggermeister and hookers

I'd like to meet:

just the bitch who broke my spineand the minx?and now: because i'm a "commercial slurry" and the video's pretty


The FratellisExplosions In The SkyThe StrokesFeederTokyo Police ClubThe PresetsThe AvalanchesJimmy Eat WorldBlack Rebel Motorcycle ClubEskimo JoeMobyWheatusWeezerMassive AttackCitizen CopeArctic MonkeysDaft PunkProdigyCrystal MethodElectric 6Breaking BenjaminJETKasabianNarrationColdplayEvermoreThe BlackoutsThe EelsRed RidersThe WhoJimmi HendrixThe DivynylsAlbert Hammond Jr.Kings Of LeonThe Jesus & Mary ChainDance With VoicesNew OrderThe BraveryCakeThe KlaxonsThe LibertinesDappled Cities FlyThe White StripesThe VinesDardanellesRegina SpektorDeath From Above 1979Linkin ParkMidnight JuggernautsThe HivesMuseOasis1990sWolfmotherNirvana


if you have the patience to read this list, do so: Black Hawk Down Constantine"Love our little chats John!" Gladiator Star Wars IV, V & VI Pitch Black Zack Snyder's Dawn Of The Dead The Island Memento Fight Club "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school" Se7en The Game Kingdom of Heaven Saving Private Ryan War Of The Worlds 28 Weeks Later Sunshine Rottin Trick' Saw Baseketball X-Men"You're not with the group grrr" Pulp Fiction Escargot Mindhunters Dear Wendy Festen Apocalypto Pan's Labyrinth Night Watch The Usual Suspects Resident Evil Resident Evil: Apocalypse I, Robot The Crow Dark City Lucky Number S7evin The Hulk"You're making me wouldn't like me when I'm angry!" Chopper The Proposition Kenny The Shining Full Metal Jacket The Chronicles Of Riddick Troy Fargo Crying Freeman Stander The Day After Tomorrow The Thing The Matrix "Please remove any metallic items and/or objectss....HOLY SHIT!" Charlie's Angels Alexander Amelie Serenity Dude, Where's My Car? Spiderman Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels Snatch "That is a fucking anti-aircraft gun Vincent! The Village Stealth Hero Spy Game Catch 22 Blade Blade II Hellboy Children of Men Signs Lake Placid Lost Boys Eraser Commando Die Hard"Yippi-ki-yay motherfucker!", Die Harder"...had to crawl round in a fucking tin can!", Die Hard With A Vengeance"mmmcccllllaaannne!" Die Hard 4.0"I was out of bullets" Dogma Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back Clerks I & II The Warriors Noise Transformers Knocked Up Zodiac Bad Boys I & II Almost Famous A Scanner Darkly Bad Santa Rush Hour Trilogy Man on Fire Enemy Of The State Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy, Talledega Nights: Tale of Ricky Bobby Elf Superbad Ghostbusters I & II Death At A Funeral Terminator 2: Judgement Day Eight Legged Freaks Hot Fuzz MC Dawg & I love these three: Space Sluts In The Slammer, The Planet Amazon with the Women of the Avacado Jungle and Red Sneaker


Star Trek The Simpsons South Park Family Guy American Dad Garth Marengi's: Darkplace Firefly CSI Facing Up Band of Brothers The Mighty Boosh Monty Python's Flying Circus Ticker Captain Scarlet


no read book, read comics: Hellboy 300 John Constantine: Hellblazer Watchmen X-Men


future starship pilots and the minx

My Blog

my big fat nietzsche wedding

friedrich nietzsche's book The Gay Science proposes that we live life dangerously, and fear no consequences becasue deity's are dead. he states that there is no reason and logic in the world and to sp...
Posted by fin? on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:52:00 PST

earths worst terms

I'm not a dictionary. I'm not a thesaurus. I don't study English exclusively, and my spelling, grammer etc is fucked. But I do know, that these two terms are...fucking. ANNOYINGNinja'd: verb. Meaning ...
Posted by fin? on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 12:30:00 PST

photo oppurtunity

i wonder it would be like being a freelance tabloid agent or otherwise known as: paparazzi. yes, the scum of the press. the bane of any you think they weren't hugged as children? subjecte...
Posted by fin? on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 04:46:00 PST

an arcade/arcain creature

if i was an arcade creature i would live in an arcade machine. i would take the form of a lizard. a dragon lizard. the stupid kids would give me their coins because they're too stupid to realise that...
Posted by fin? on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 05:30:00 PST

hunting solo

i went hunting tonight, it was a full mooni found a nice man wearing a hooded jumper, he gave me special tablets because i had a headache. i took them with some beerof course i still had my headache b...
Posted by fin? on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 09:09:00 PST

whickity snap

this is the sort of conversation my family's kitchen is filled with did you know that another way of drying dishes is...whipping them? whip snap you just broke my glass... i know BUT! if it's broken t...
Posted by fin? on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:46:00 PST

I heard...

Feel kind of ridiculous writing a blog considering my display picture, like I'm trying to be the next fucking philospher of our time. Truth be told, I aien't. But i'll change the DP perhaps later.... ...
Posted by fin? on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:18:00 PST

Vote for...Holiday Fuelled Ignorance?

I think if i try to talk about politics i just come off all pseudo-intellectual. So I won't. This whole debate. That's right I'm writing a blog about politics in the sense that I will try to keep my v...
Posted by fin? on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:19:00 PST

Dogme '07 The Rules

The following rules are those laid down by Fin and Seb, they are the rules to be used when setting in motion a film of the Dogme '07 caliber. Take heed of these rules and if you acknowledge their arti...
Posted by fin? on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:37:00 PST


The call was in, if Strike Leader O'Mallon was to eliminate The Entity was now. Beside him were people that had fought the humongous enitiy for years but did not want their names posted in s...
Posted by fin? on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 12:10:00 PST