"Trainwreck Riders are a rocking in their chair, guitar-pickin' on the porch band from San Francisco. Their debut album ‘Lonely Road Revival’ harkens back to a golden age of Americana, when folk, country and blues musically intertwined (even if the musicians themselves rarely did)...Lyrically lovelorn, nerves raw, and emotions muddled, Trainwreck Riders songs ramble down the briar-filled paths of confused interpersonal relationships. The lyrics may be downbeat, but the music is not, careening headlong into brawling rockabilly and punchy punk blues. But for every exhilarating, slam-bang number, there's a corresponding one with a much more laid-back rhythm, easygoing atmosphere and at times, even dreamy aura. This is Americana for a new America, and as train wrecks go, this one is a beauty."
- Jo-Ann Greene for AllMusicGuide.com and Billboard.com