prequel: I also have a real website at where I do my occasional blogging . now on to the previously entered life rant.
I'm a usually quiet and polite (but oh so smartass) guy who needs to be around people some of the time, but is pretty happy being solitary the rest of the time. When I take the Myer-Briggs, I am always Intuitive and Thinking (as opposed to Sensing and Feeling), but I toggle between Introvert/Extrovert, and Judging/Perceiving. I mention this because I think it pretty accurately sums me up.
I got married at 21 and stayed that way (faithfully so!) for either 23 or 29 years depending on whether you count separating or actually divorcing. So I was never a single adult until my mid-40's. So on some ways I'm still figuring out things that most of you got knocked into your heads the hard way in your 20's.
I hung out with people my age until my 30's when we moved from east coast to west coast and I left my college buds. Since then I seem to always hang out with 20-somethings. As 20-somethings become 30-somethings, they get into relationships or serious jobs, don't go out as much, etc, and sort outgrow me and I find new 20-somethings. It's not a plan, it's just what happens. Here in Reno, it has finally happened, my new friends are all younger than my daughter - go figure.
So far so good, but every now I need a little lovin, a little romance in my life, and I sure the heck am not going to get it from the fine young folks I hang out with. So there you have the essential dilemma of my life. As long as I am content being loved but gettin' no lovin' it all works. But as soon as I start pining for romance, my life style doesn't work. And right now, April 2006 that is where I am.