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I'm 21...hahaha im gettin old sad.. wim the last gurly on the right..umm about me...well i go to uni! you could say ive pretty much attended almost every university you could go to in Syd, and studied almost every course. I started off at UWS doing Food Sci., then landed into B of Arts at UWS. Then i landed myself in Bathurst at Charles Sturt, where i did business. Which i loved, but bathurst was not me...(tho i do miss being in a dorm, it was great! living with all your friends!!) So then i got myself back down to syd and now im at UTS and hopefully i wont be goin anywhere till ive finished my degree :D so yeh thats my college life in a nutshell =P What else...I tend to say 'what' alot..well almost everytime someone says nethin to me ..(thats wat tash rekons!!) - seriously im not deaf!!!!I love going out and partyin and clubbing (wen i have the money). I also love jus hangin out and bumming around!