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About Me

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I'm 21...hahaha im gettin old =S..so sad.. wim the last gurly on the right..umm about me...well i go to uni! you could say ive pretty much attended almost every university you could go to in Syd, and studied almost every course. I started off at UWS doing Food Sci., then landed into B of Arts at UWS. Then i landed myself in Bathurst at Charles Sturt, where i did business. Which i loved, but bathurst was not me...(tho i do miss being in a dorm, it was great! living with all your friends!!) So then i got myself back down to syd and now im at UTS and hopefully i wont be goin anywhere till ive finished my degree :D so yeh thats my college life in a nutshell =P What else...I tend to say 'what' alot..well almost everytime someone says nethin to me ..(thats wat tash rekons!!) - seriously im not deaf!!!!I love going out and partyin and clubbing (wen i have the money). I also love jus hangin out and bumming around!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i know its a bit sad and teeny bopper ish..but i LOVE hillary duff...strange but true! hmm also oprah, ben mckenzie, mischa barton, rachel bilson hmm and a heap of people!!! probably mainly famous ones!


Again...Hilary Duff, i love kelly clarkson, the Veronica's, Black Eyed Peas... you could say im everythin girl...minus country and blues and that stuff..like i Love RnB, i like a little bit of trance (none of that hardcore techno stuff tho) i like a lil bit of house as well..so yeh pretty much everythin!!AT the moment im loving "Forever Young" by the youth group!! my FAVV, i cant get enough of it!


Hmm favourite movie...i would have to say my all time favourite would be "She's All That". I loved it!!! I guess im a romantic, comedy type. But occassional action movie is alrite as well...I'm a big fan of Harry Potter..(yes yes again some may think childish..but i jus love harry!) The last movie i saw was Aeon Flux (at least thats how i think u spell it) it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be!!! i actually found it very interestin..for u who havent seen it and are into sci-fi,futuristic action movies...this ones good!!well i think so neways!


i am IN LOVE with the OC. I jus cant get enough...heads up to Jono who has given me the last 17 eps!! i love you for that. =) its the best best bestest tv series i have come across. I think im obsessed with american tv shows..i like veronica mars..which i think they canned here (not sure)..Lost is another fav, didnt phase me at first, but wen you watch it twice and actually watch every episode it starts to make sense!!! tho it is a very twisted series. another fave would be.. GILMORE GIRLS!!! the BEST!