Auntie Sinnamon profile picture

Auntie Sinnamon

It's better to b looked over than overlooked

About Me

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I know not what I search 4
But I know I have yet 2 find it,
Because it is invisible 2 the eye
My heart must search 4 it blinded.

And if by chance I find it,
Will I know my mission is achieved?
Can one come 2 conclusions,
Before the question is conceived?

Just as no one knows
what lies beyond the shore,
I will never find the answer 2
what it is that I search 4.

- Tupac Shakur

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Good people wouldn't be so 'unique' if there weren't as many assholes around.
Realize that everyone has a part to play in your life.


I live for the nights I'll never remember with the friends I'll never forget!

Music Video Codes By Music


You Are Most Like Carrie!
You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date.
But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal?
It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky.
Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a
great closet of clothes, no matter what!

Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year...

Totally different from any guy you've dated.

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?

You Are 4: The Individualist
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.

You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.

Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel. What Number Are You?



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