Well I have alot umm i like to hang out with my friends and party, go out and party,go mudding,go buck off some rounds, go to concerts,go to the rodeo ummm hunt hang out, go to car shows hit up the delta and go for drives and ride my new motorcyle cant wait to get a new one.i dont know what else just have fun you only live once so live it up.
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I Like all types of music my fav is country I just see everyone cn relate to it,rap from the yay area. I really like hard rock like drowning pool,disturbed,slayer,ac/dc,things like that so thats my take on music I also enjoy listening to planting seeds,RU36.
Mostly everything that has to do with the military such as Blackhawk Down, full metal jacket,enemy of the gates,Band of brothes,saving privite ryan. I also enjoy drama and comedy and a chick flick here and there.
I love the millitary channel and fuel t.v. I watch NASCAR go get them JR. I like to watch the Raiders try to win one game or two games here and there MAYBE and other things like hunting and fishing and I do it also.UMM I love to watch that 70's Show greatest show in the world and cant forget COPS o and future weapons, and also Over there is a good one.
anything military and history.
My Hero's are the Men and Women of the United States Military who risk there live everyday so we can live free and proud.My other hero is one of my biggest ones thats my Mother for raising me to be a great person though it was hard at time's she is my biggest hero.