sleep, music, drums, sleep, family, hotrods, sleep, concerts, puppies, tattoos, and sleep...oh yea, and shrimp.
I want Steven Segal to kick my ass.
.. width="425" height="350" .... I love the music. I will put a large list up soon. For now, I will put a few. Pantera, Slipknot, Deftones, Zombie, QOTS, Faith No More, RHCP, Mudvayne, Ozzy, Moris Day, Led Zepplin, George Clinton and the P Funk, project: fight the sky, ICP, NIN, Tool, Perfect Circle, Beck, Sublime, Alice in Chains, Weezer, Hatebreed, Taproot, Korn, Snoop, Triple 6, Danger Doom, STP, Velvet Revolver, Gorillaz, Beastie Boys, Billy Holiday, Stan Getz, old Metallica, Bob Marley, Avenged Sevenfold, Prince, Sepultura, Outkast, Rage Against the Machine, Sevendust, Motley Crew (tehehe), Beethoven, and I know there is more. I'll think of em later.
Half Baked, PCU, Mallrats, Clerks, Dogma, Dodgeball, V for Vendetta, Powder, anything Brue Lee, Pirates, Matrix,Lord of the Rings, Halloween, Star Wars, Harold and Kumar, The Green Mile, Kung Fu Hustle,and i'll think of the rest later. I love scary movies, but i have yet to find one that scares me. Any suggestions?
Adult Swim... love some Boondocks and Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Inuyasha ( yea i'm a dork, so what), Samurai Champloo, all those good things. But I also love Inked and Myth Busters and hot rod shows. Mind of Mencia and House. Scrubs is craziness in film form, Dave Chapelle is one of the funniest men alive. But my most favorite new show....The Dog Whisperer. Watch it. Dude is wicked bad assness with the cannine population.
Stephen King, Edgar Allen Poe, Anne Rice, Tom Robbins, and anything psychotic (i'm tired so if thats not spelled correctly, so sorry i suppose).
My left foot cause it keeps up with the right. And Snake Eyes (you know GI Joe, and thats half the battle now isn't it)