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Nick Kennedy, also known as Ed Kennedy

About Me

Professional Freelance Performance Practitioner based in the midlands. Please see or contact me at

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My Interests

Theatre, drama, the art of performance. reading, the outdoors when the mood takes me and fun basicly

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who isnt a bit rubbish really, anyone who laughed at the above video and anyone at all who wants to send some work my way.


Yes, im a fan of music.


Yes films too.That simon Pegg bloke seems to do some good ones doesnt he! This one looks good too...


a mix of high octane 24 style things scrubs and si-fi with a good sized pinch of top gear. But lets not forget that Doctor Who rules all!!! Doctor Who- Season 3 trailer

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i just so happen to enjoy the works of Raymond E. Fiest. Havent quite got over four years of uni books yet. Maybe once i have read the last Harry Potter book a couple of times i will be back tio study mode? ....Na!


is it fair on someone to make them a hero?

My Blog

Crawl no More 2007 Tour

Yes Yes Yes! Its the annual pub crawl tour from sustained magic again and For the second year i am one of the playwrights and the second year running part of the cast!I'm really excited, it will be gr...
Posted by Nick on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 01:56:00 PST

too few hours in the day

Whats going on!? my finly worked butt grove is filling in! Why is it, your bored shitless for ages, hardly anything to do, and then... all of a suddern, everything happens at once!!   Madness! &n...
Posted by Nick on Fri, 25 May 2007 05:32:00 PST

There, now stop bugging me!!!

I hate every one of you who nagged me into doing this.You cant see, but i have my pouty face on!!!And if you think i havent put much info on here its cuz i have a propper site,
Posted by Nick on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:16:00 PST