straightedge, piercing, tattoos, photography, graffitti, painting, drawing, holding hands, unexpected kisses, quiet "I LOVE YOU's", more kisses, toilet humor, artistic people, dancing, anything to keep me entertained!
...............................................i wouldnt mind meeting pirates, the lost boys, zombies, vampires, robots, dinosaurs, monsters in general! ...............................................
shockwave, stretch armstrong, floorpunch, judge, sheer terror, slapshot, youth of today, downset, madball, death threat, bane, e-town concrete, refused, thats just to name a few. others would include sigur ros, air, smoke city, faint, dirty sanchez, the list goes on and on and on! so pretty much anything thats put in front of me, i will listen too. oh ya cant forget nine inch nails, and skinny puppy
old horror movies, movies with pirates, robots, monsters!princess bride, top gun, legend, labrynth, finding nemo, fox and the hound, never ending story, dark crystal, troll, anything sorta fantasy/ fairy tale style
neverending story, invisible monsters, choke
me, myself and i