Opening credits:cocaine by Eric Clapton
Waking up: Back in Black by AC/DC
Average day: live at the bbq by Main Source and nas
First date: Struuter By Kiss
Falling in love: she's always in my hair by Prince
Love scene: I wannbe your Dog by Iggy Pop and The Stooges
Fight scene: where the eagles dare by misfits
Breaking up: Bitch by Sevendust
Getting back together:lay lady lay by Bob Dylan
Secret love: oh girl by The Chi Lites
Life's okay: Lookin' At The Front Door by Mainsource
Mental breakdown:L dopa by Big Black
Driving: I am that I am by Peter Tosh
Learning a lesson: Behind blue eyes by The Who
Deep thought:day dreaming by Lupe Fiasco
Flashback: Crystal Ship by the Doors
Partying: Stone Free by The jim Hendrix's Exprince
Happy dance: Raw Power by Iggy and the stooges
Regretin:The Thrill is gone by B.B. King
Long night scene:Go with the Flow By MF Doom
Death scene: gravedigger by Willie Nelson
Closing credits: stairway to heaven by Led Zeapln
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