My interests include...Poetry - My favorite poet would have to be Alfred Tennyson. Of course, with each new peice of poetry I come across, there's a chance that will change. My favorite Poem at the moment is "Old" by Raplh Hoyt. //Video games - The games I enjoy the most are Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, and X-2. My favorite game of all time, though, will always be Chrono Trigger. As you can tell, my prefered genre is RPG. //Anime - I haven't been exposed to all that many differet animes. Though, of the ones I have seen, my favorites are: Fruits Basket, Evangelion, and Inuyasha (only seen up to season 5, so please don't post anything about events which occur after that point). //Activities - I play Dungeons & Dragons with my friends and help out with the Peace group here in town. And, of course, I enjoy spending time with my friends!
I'd like to meet anyone who shares my interests or could introduce me to new things that are along those same basic lines. I enjoy meeting people who consider themselves equals with all the rest of the world's people, regardless of creed, color, political beliefs, backgrounds, or anything else. I do not believe anyone to be better than anyone else. And I would like to meet people who feel the same way. ..
I enjoy most genres, except Rap. ..
I like most types of movies. My favorites include Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Spider-man, and X-men. ..
These days, I only watch House. It's a wonderful medical drama. Now, when it comes to older shows, my favorite is M*A*S*H. I also like "Lois & Clark : The New Adventures of Superman", "Quantum Leap", and "Star Trek : The Next Generation."
I'm not the worlds biggest reader. Though, I have read and loved the Star Wars books "Heir to the Empire" , "Dark Force Rising" , "The Last Command" , "Specter of the Past" , "Vision of the Future" , "Labrynth of Evil" , and "Revenge of the Sith". Outside the Star Wars books, I love both "Eragon" and "Eldest". I also enjoy all of the Harry Potter series. As with the movies, a lot of people saw the first one and thought it was "okay" at best. So, they stopped watching/reading there. Trust me, they get better with each book/movie. Of course, that's just my opinion.
I don't really have any specific heroes. Though, I appreciate all those who have worked for peace and general equality. ..