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About Me

My blog focuses entirely on the news. I get the majority of the news stories from the BBC. If the reporters name is not listed, it's because it wasn't listed on the web site. I do list names when they're available. Now, I do my best to provide unbiased news. I don't offer any commentary in my blog section. I do have strong political beliefs, but they do not appear anywhere in my blogs. If you have a problem with something I have posted, feel free to message me about it. I'll take your concerns very seriously. You may also contact me if you wish to know where I obtained a certain story. Some come from Yahoo news, some from CNN.com, etc. Now, on a more personal note.... What is there that anyone would be interested in knowing? I work at a daycare centre. There, we work with about twelve children on a regular basis. I've worked there for six years. Outside of work, my interests include video games, movies of just about any genre, and a bit of TV every now and then. As far as books go, I'd have to say my favorites are those in the Harry Potter series. I never used to care much for Harry Potter, until a friend of mine re-introduced me to the books. Another of my interests is helping out with the local peace group. That's one thing you should be aware of. I hate war. I believe it to be a tragic waste. But, at the same time, I respect the views of those who have other opinions. If you wish to talk politics with me, please do so with an open mind and a respectful attitude. I will extend the same courtesy to you. .. What D&D Class are you?
You are a wizard. You study secrets man was never meant to know. You control the very forces of the universe. You have unspeakable power at your fingertips. You are always the first to die.
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You are a Rebel, Chaotic Good.
Chaotic good characters works towards good in their own ways, without regard for the expectations of others or the rigid guidelines of society (imposed by church or government). They are particularly disturbed by those who try to push people around and intimidate them. They are less honor-bound than the other good alignments, particularly in dealing with those who are not good. They may on occasion lie, threaten or kill for a good cause (with an evil person, perhaps). As a general rule, chaotic good characters do not attack unarmed opponents, harm the innocent, refuse an honest appeal for aid, take bribes or betray their friends. They usually prefer to cut through red tape. Robin Hood is an example of a chaotic good character, particularly prior to the return of King Richard.
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You are Aerith. You are always kindhearted and open to others, helping them out through their hard times. Sure, you will go through some hard times yourself, but you always find a way through it.
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You're a Hufflepuff!
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You are Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi! You're very wise, and even Vader holds you in high esteem! Congratulations!
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You are Data. You are adorable and intelligent (albeit artificially). You want to be human and you spend much time learning the nuances of the human character. Your study and, sometimes your obliviousness, give you a valuable insight into problems that no one else knows how to approach.
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You're a lot like Yuki Sohma. Most people don't know what you're really about and that's because they never get a chance to get to know you. A lot of times you prefer to be alone in your secret base or something but hanging out with a friend is always fun too.
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My Interests

My interests include...Poetry - My favorite poet would have to be Alfred Tennyson. Of course, with each new peice of poetry I come across, there's a chance that will change. My favorite Poem at the moment is "Old" by Raplh Hoyt. //Video games - The games I enjoy the most are Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, and X-2. My favorite game of all time, though, will always be Chrono Trigger. As you can tell, my prefered genre is RPG. //Anime - I haven't been exposed to all that many differet animes. Though, of the ones I have seen, my favorites are: Fruits Basket, Evangelion, and Inuyasha (only seen up to season 5, so please don't post anything about events which occur after that point). //Activities - I play Dungeons & Dragons with my friends and help out with the Peace group here in town. And, of course, I enjoy spending time with my friends!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone who shares my interests or could introduce me to new things that are along those same basic lines. I enjoy meeting people who consider themselves equals with all the rest of the world's people, regardless of creed, color, political beliefs, backgrounds, or anything else. I do not believe anyone to be better than anyone else. And I would like to meet people who feel the same way. ..


I enjoy most genres, except Rap. ..


I like most types of movies. My favorites include Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix, Spider-man, and X-men. ..


These days, I only watch House. It's a wonderful medical drama. Now, when it comes to older shows, my favorite is M*A*S*H. I also like "Lois & Clark : The New Adventures of Superman", "Quantum Leap", and "Star Trek : The Next Generation."


I'm not the worlds biggest reader. Though, I have read and loved the Star Wars books "Heir to the Empire" , "Dark Force Rising" , "The Last Command" , "Specter of the Past" , "Vision of the Future" , "Labrynth of Evil" , and "Revenge of the Sith". Outside the Star Wars books, I love both "Eragon" and "Eldest". I also enjoy all of the Harry Potter series. As with the movies, a lot of people saw the first one and thought it was "okay" at best. So, they stopped watching/reading there. Trust me, they get better with each book/movie. Of course, that's just my opinion.


I don't really have any specific heroes. Though, I appreciate all those who have worked for peace and general equality. ..

My Blog

Report: US ’preparing the battlefield’ in Iran

Report: U.S. 'preparing the battlefield' in IranWASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration has launched a "significant escalation" of covert operations in Iran, sending U.S. commandos to spy on the c...
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 03:45:00 PST

Clinton and Obama rally together/Oil hits $140 per barrel

Clinton and Obama rally togetherHillary Clinton has joined Barack Obama at a rally - their first public event since she pulled out of the race to be the Democratic presidential candidate.The rally in ...
Posted by Aaron on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 07:00:00 PST

McCain aide:Terror attack would be "advantage"/NASA warming scientist:This is last chance

Terror attack 'would help McCain'An aide to Republican presidential hopeful John McCain has said he regrets telling a reporter that a terror attack on the US would be "an advantage".Charlie Black made...
Posted by Aaron on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 05:43:00 PST

Oil price up despite Saudi pledge/US court backs Guantanamo inmate

Oil price up despite Saudi pledgeOil prices have risen after emergency talks among the world's top oil powers and leading consuming nations over the weekend ended with no real resolution.US light, swe...
Posted by Aaron on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 03:45:00 PST

Israelis ’rehearse Iran attack’/Lawmakers pass wiretaps bill

Israelis 'rehearse Iran attack'Israel has carried out an exercise that appears to have been a rehearsal for an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities, US officials have told the New York Times.More than ...
Posted by Aaron on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 03:45:00 PST

FBI arrests 406 for mortgage fraud/Bush threatens veto of foreclosure rescue

FBI holds 406 for mortgage fraudThe FBI says it has arrested 406 property market players as part of a crackdown on alleged mortgage frauds worth an estimated $1bn (£500m).The arrests include housing d...
Posted by Aaron on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 05:43:00 PST

US 'cracks down' on oil speculators/Probe: Pentagon lawyers sought harsh interrogation

US cracks down on oil speculatorsUS regulators have announced plans to impose limits on oil trades overseas.The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission said the London-based electronic exchange would ...
Posted by Aaron on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 06:15:00 PST

Bush calls for offshore drilling/US-held terror suspects ’abused’

Bush calls for offshore drillingPresident George W Bush has called on Congress to end a 27-year ban on drilling for oil in US coastal waters, to reduce dependence on imports.Mr Bush said existing rest...
Posted by Aaron on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 03:54:00 PST

Ahmadinejad: No reason for soaring oil prices/Gore endorses Obama

Market full of oil, price trend "fake": AhmadinejadBy Hashem KalentariISFAHAN, Iran (Reuters) - The market is full of oil and the rising price trend is "fake and imposed," Iran's president said on Tue...
Posted by Aaron on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 06:15:00 PST

Honda makes first hydrogen cars/Fuel costs push up inflation

Honda makes first hydrogen carsJapanese car manufacturer Honda has begun the first commercial production of a zero-emission, hydrogen fuel-cell powered vehicle.The four-seater, called FCX Clarity, run...
Posted by Aaron on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:09:00 PST