theres one thing you need to know about me. I'M A CHURCH BURNER!!! in the past 2 years, my brother Khaos and i have personally lead the burnings of 12 churches in rural areas!!! COMING SOON TO A CHURCH NEAR YOU!!!
The Jackal
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
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People who are serious about the Metal Scene, not those Who see it as "just a phase" or "just a trend". i want to meet people who are down to go nuts in a moshpit. i'm looking for a crazy Metal Head girlfriend whose as fucking nuts as i am. I wanna meet the first Emo kid..... and kill him....
is your Anti-Drug?Take the quiz:
Which member of SLipKnoT are you?
Mick Thomson
you are tall and menacing! no one messes with you or you will kill them! you love serial killers and kittens are a total shredder, you fucking psycho!!!
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Slipknot, Darkness Falls, Napalm Death, The Misfits, Meshugga, Meyhame, Emperor, Mudvayne, Cannible Corpse, Nightwish(just because) and any and all other hard, brash, loud band that pisses off all the parents!!!!!
People see hate in your eyes. You feel like there
is no good in the world. There's no one and
nothing that is worth your time anymore aside
from maybe causing pain to the unworthy people
around you. You hate all life and probably just
wish it would die or that you could kill it
yourself. You probably don't have many good
friends, and the friends you do have are most
likely sticking to a very old and accurate
saying. "Keep your friends close but your
enemies closer." Sooner or later your
hatred of the world will be your own undoing
because it turns everyone against you. So good
luck and watch your step. (Image copyrighted to ))
What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
brought to you by Quizilla
Requiem for a Dream, Detroit Rock City, American History X, House on Haunted Hill, Devil's Rejects, Kids, Train Spotting, you know, fucked up shit like that...
Metal Assylum, Any show that has Julya, and Metal Music videos...
REVOLVER, Guitar One, Bizzare, and other stuff i cant think of right now...
Forrest Robinson, Tony Loreano, Nick Barker, my best friend and brother Khaos, Rob Zombie, Charles Manson, Marilyn Manson, and thats about it...