Ashley profile picture


~Hawaiian Breeze~

About Me

Nike Ballers with Skills!..(extended)To install this design to your Myspace profile: Simply open up Myspace, click 'edit my profile' and copy and paste everything below the following dotted line in to your 'About Me' section. Make sure to paste it above your personal 'About me' text and not in the middle of it or anywhere stupid! Don't paste the dotted line!..................................................... Edited with NewMyspace Editor v1.1
Getting to Know Me...
Name Ashley Quinn Jones
Nickname Lil..'Bit no one ask!..
Birthdate march 7
Birthplace Boise!
Hometown Boise
Eye Color & Hair Color dark brown
Height & Weight umm bout 5..'6 and bout 3-4 bus loads of bricks
Occupation / School Student at ISU!..and i also work at the D***** S****
Righty or Lefty Righty
Heritage Native American and Hawaiian only of the best mix lmao jp jp
Favorite Color All the colors that look like Easter!
Favorite Animal my nieces ChinChilla Nugget
Favorite TV Show / Movie Greys Anatomy / and Crash is my favorite movie!..
Favorite Cartoon Aruther!..eyup every morning 7 to 730!!!
Favorite Song wayyy to many!
Favorite Sport basketball!
Favorite Actor / Actress Julia Stiles and Adam Sandler&Robin Williams
Favorite Musician Alicia Keys
Favorite Athlete BSU Broncos lol..
Favorite Comedian Kat Williams HELL YEAH !
Favorite Food all kinds!..
Favorite Drink Apple Juice and Sun tea!
Favorite Number 23 or 25 i cant remember?
Favorite School Subject right now!..literature
Favorite Clothing shorts
Favorite Book The Bluest Eye by toni morrison
Favorite Snack Food OMG it has to BE FRUIT SNACKS!
Favorite Season FALL!..i love fall
Hobby umm not sure
Talent not sure bout that either
Age of first kiss shoot i was
Age you lost your virginity havent
Age you got married not married!
Age you had your first kid havent had a kid
Have you ever been drunk yeah twice b4!..thats it havent in a long ass time tho
Have you ever gotten high yeah once or twice
Have you ever been arrested lol does almost count!..
Have you ever been in a fight in elementary i have
Have you ever been in an accident a car accident yeah it was so my fault too lol..
Fears yeah a few here and there
Most important possession(s) my heritage..
Number of Tattoos none im startin to think they look trashy on gurls!
Number of Piercings 2 one on each ear
Best quality not so sure
Best physical trait umm not sure
In the opposite sex...
Cute or Sexy Cute!..
Taller or Shorter tall!..or short which ever
Lips or Eyes Eyes
Petite or Big maybe in the middle but not like 2 BIG LOL
Sweet or Caring Both!..
Easygoing or Serious Easygoing! not old enuff to get serious
Sensitive or Loud loud but not to loud
Thoughts on...
Abortion pro-choice
Gay Marriage For it!..
Gun Control For it!
God I Believe in God!..
Aliens i believe in them to!
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