This is the greatest Black leader in American history. Martin Luther King didn't have an economic plan but The Honorable Elijah Muhammad did and his plan worked yet Americas history wants to block that out for some reason. This man stressed displaying intellgence at all times, refinement, eating healthy, staying away from the Whitemans, the protection of women at all cost and eductaing your children yet this great mans name is hardly mentioned during Black History month. This man showed Black America how to create foundation, which would create power and respect, all while being independent of White influence thru examples by owning and operating supermarkets, stores, farm land and schools yet these youngins hardly know anything about this man.Elijah Muhammad is the greatest thing to happen to Black America..Keep in mind there would be no Malcolm X if it weren't for this blessing of a man. American history wants to paint this mans legacy as a cult leader who had children out of wedlock yet no one points out how Andrew Jackson did the same thing with his Black slaves but he's praised as one of Americas greatest heros. Oh the Hypocracy. If the good Andrew Jacksons has done is what is focused on when mentioning him then there shouldnt be a double standard for The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. A man who called out the whiteman as a devil to his face during a time when Blacks were too shook to do so, and being that they were still hanging Blacks in the 30's This great man had every right to do so. If You don't know this mans history, go hit the library and educate yourself on one of the most important figures in american History.