Playing their first gig as a duo (Blake & Matt) on April 20, 2004, Umpadiah was started for mental salvation during the Alaskan winters. Rob joined in the spring of 2006, completing the Trio, and recording drum lines for our self titled demo in under a week. In less than a month as a complete Trio, Umpadiah has shown Alaska and the 'Lower 48' what the 'New Space Age Funk' is really about.
Blake Smith--Bass/Vocals
After studying jazz in college, playing the bar scene, and traveling through the U.S. and Eruope, Blake finally made Alaska his home. Settling in Anchorage for the summers and Amsterdam for the winters, he practiced and absorbed the beauty of Alaska. He played in Yukon Ryder in the summer of 2002, traveling and playing all over Alaska, before starting Umpadiah with Matt Bergt in April 2004.
Matt Bergt--Guitar/Vocals
Several years of frustration with various valved-brass instruments led Matt to the guitar. Matt's playing is inspired by a wide range of rock, jazz, and funk. He owes most of his musical knowledge however, to guitar teacher Joe D'Entrone and band-mate Blake Smith. Matt was born and raised in Alaska, and has resided there for most of his life.
Rob© Collier--Drums/Vocals
Rob© is a well-oiled rhythm machine forged in the fiery depths of Mt. Doom.