Too many to list. Good at many things, great at a few. Water sports, healthy cooking, computing, health, working with my hands, sight seeing, exploring, almost anything that is stimulating to the eye.
Fun, creative, positive, interesting people. I'm on the computer most of the day and work from home, so I need to meet people some how. The surfers in the water aren't too friendly and when I consult at a company, they're all nerds, but nice nerds at that.
ambient electronica, classic rock, rock, reggae, top 40 - anything with a good beat and/or great lyrics
slap stick, action, suspense, documentatries
When I need a little time to zone out.
DaVinci Code (almost everyone's read it), Metabolic Plan, PHP Bible (computer book), It Doesn't Get Better Than This (A manuscript I'm the editor on for a former reporter - we been working for a year and will be done at the end of Feb. 05 - finally), many misc. reference guides and manuals.
People who make a difference..