the boy who invented wind and rain?
liaotianr:[email protected]
kanhuar: hen lan..
iam blue
low education people,mei wen hua dan shi hen you qian de ren..
Mongolia music, chinese classicalmusic, guqin, hardcore, reggae, alternative, samba, folk, emo, breakbeat, durmnbass, Britpop
TheloversoftheArcticCircle, zhuantayiqianwan, The.Dead.Mother oneflewoverthecuckoosnest, fightclub,closer, amelie, city of god, lolita, dreamer, ying huo chong de gushi, yangguang can lan de ri zi, wanzhu, night onearth VforVendetta, graveoffirefly...
xia xian sheng de gu shi
all kidz hai zi men.