a lot of them, but pretty much muzik.
Greenday, Falon says the donnas, jesus, my mommy, and whoever wants to meet and hopefully worship me, i also want to meet a record company that wants a spunky band....
If i were to name all of my musical interests, this list would be a million pages long. Mainly i like emo, death metal, grunge, gothic rock, rock, and stuff like that. I love to play anything
Movies are things that people in america and various other countries watch as some sort of entertainment apparently.
I love medical shows. i could totally be a doctor....i have come to cut you open!
Any book about bass guitars or music and basically anything other than stuff we have to read for school, cause that is boring and overated.
well falon is my current hero and i dont know why but hey she should totally agree with that statement even if she's OBSESSED with the Donna's. RAWR! Oh and my secret, well not so secret Hero is Zach because he is nice and carried my amp to my car after a gig...unlike someone.....*cough*cough*.....its okay.