S.S. Go Jess! profile picture

S.S. Go Jess!

See the big rocks? Those are called 'mountains'. The little rocks are their babies.

About Me

Hmmm... here goes (deep breath): I'm 25, have no idea what my hometown is, no idea what my eye color is, spill stuff and trip up the stairs a lot, speak before i think, use words that don't exist, my favorite flip-flops have chickens on them, and I have the bubbliest bum you'll ever see, whooooo!!! No seriously though, for starters, I'm NEVER serious. I'm the biggest smart-ass you'll ever meet. I'm crazy and unpredictable in that you never know if I'll be sitting quietly in the corner, or swinging from the rafters. And I've been known to drastically change my haircolor a time or few. I have a movie quote for almost every moment of the day, which I say (usually accent included) sometimes a little too much. I usually tie these in with the extravagantly over-embellished stories I tell (sometimes a little too much). I find humor in the silliest things that a normal person would never notice. I'd rather have someone tell me I make them laugh than tell me I look pretty. Ummm, I'm a graphic designer (though I really want to be a photographer), an artist of many facets, and I was until recently the captain and choreographer of a dance team for a pro-hockey team in Knoxville, TN. I just moved to Jacksonville to be back near the beach and hopefully slow or stop my erratic relocation habits! Though I love to travel and have lived in over 5 states and even spent an interesting summer without running water or electricity in the backwoods of Ontario, Canada (I'm not explaining, inquiring minds will have to ask). I'm brutally honest (that gets me in trouble a lot). I appear girly on the outside (usually I guess), but I'd rather play in the rain or mud than have my nails done. Though I do like to get dressed up and love to watch cheesey romance movies. I guess I'm just a very scattered mix of many things. Hence the unpredictability. I'm not afraid of bugs or heights or anything really (been skydiving twice). I actually take spiders outside and let them go, (gross I know). And I'd try to fight a giant if they were purposely hurting an animal. My mom's a vet nurse so I come by it honestly. I never had less than 3 dogs in the house growing up. I have 2 dogs of my own now and I let them lick me in the face and sleep in the bed and wouldn't give that up for anything or anyone in the world! So I guess that's me, in a nutty nutshell!..
.... .

My Interests

I'm pretty much the most easily amused person there is. You can give me a crayon and put me in a cardboard box and I'll be amused for hours! I kid. Anywho, I guess I enjoy dancing (obviously); doing anything outside from laying on the beach to hiking as long as the weather is warm; having a map and not using it; anything artistic- taking pictures, drawing and painting, poetry (reading and writing it); sleeping with the windows open while it storms; splashing in puddles; sushi; finding pennies; old people eating ice cream cones; muscle cars (repairing them, as well as just some good ole lusting over); long car rides that have no destination, just a good cd and some good company; animals of all kinds; driving on empty; the Michelin man; refusing to grow up; people that push the door when the sign says pull; Chuck Norris; using and learning big words; watching feel-good movies that I've seen a hundred times; passionate people with a good point of view; "smiling out loud" (B!); midget tossing; movie quoting; midget tossing WHILE movie quoting; and plenty of others I'm sure!

I'd like to meet:

My imagination in physical form. Oh,and Christopher Walken (just so I can nail down his accent and dancing skills).


O where do i begin? Just about everything under the sun. My cd's will contain an eclectic mix ranging from George Strait to Otis Rhedding to punkrock to Disney music! There's just no telling. New rock/ alternative/ punk/ everything- Lucero (not popular but they rock), Cross Canadian Ragweed, Unwritten Law, Pixies, Motion City Soundtrack, The Roots, Muse, The Living End, Breaking Benjamin, Rise Against, Lustra, The Used, Anberlin, Egypt Central, Story of the Year, Sunny Day Real Estate, THE WEEPIES, Matchbook Romance, My Chemical Romance, Black Eyed Peas, Rancid, OAR, Death Cab for Cutie, 18 Visions, Crossfade, Senses Fail, Sublime, Daddy Yankee, New Found Glory, Prodigy, The Ramones, Me FIRST and the Gimme Gimmes, Queens of the Stoneage, Yellowcard, Less Than Jake, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Social Distortion, Bullet for my Valentine, Transplants, Feist, Lauren Hill, Tony Bennett, Van Morrison (shut up), Postal Service, Alice in Chains, Shinedown, Hinder, Op Ivy, Elliott Morris, etc; and some normal popular stuff- John Mayer and Norah Jones are both exceptional musicians. I'm from Texas, so I do love all country, especially Alabama, Rascall Flatts, Sugarland, Brad Paisley, Kenny Chesney, Julie Roberts, Blue Rodeo, Johnny Cash, etc; Older rock- Rolling Stones, Beatles, Bon Jovi, Talking Heads, Cheap Trick ("I want you to Want me" is my all time favorite song). I'm a sucker for one person with a good voice and an acoustic guitar, a great concert, anything B suggests, or anything On Ethel XM. Blah blah blah...


Too many to remember! TOP GUN, The Thomas Crown Affair, Wedding Crashers, Best of Will Farrell SNL, Super Troopers, Eddie Murphy Delirious, Old School, The Island, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gone in 60 Seconds (any car movie actually), Chicago, Anchorman, Finding Nemo, The Shawshank Redemption, Eurotrip, Dumb and Dumber, Cinderella Man, Labyrinth, and all the normal girly fave's- The Sweetest Thing, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Notebook, 50 First Dates, etc.


Animation Domination baby! That's about all I watch. I'd rather watch a movie or knit a sweater, what???


Hemingway; the Odyssey; poetry (not twisted tho). I need to read more.


Ma and Pa, Lauren... width="425" height="350" .... .. width="425" height="350" .... .. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350"....

I don't even look like me here, it's funny.

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum!

Sorry, I had to.

My 38 twin!

but most of all Andrew and Eric are my hero's. Pwned by Andrew and Eric, feds, you know what to do.

My Blog


This shall be my ongoing collection of quotes, quips and poetry. Some I have written, some I have not. I think I shall call it Bob. "If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be...
Posted by S.S. Go Jess! on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 09:21:00 PST

An Ode to My Hotpants

An Ode to My Hotpants-"Hotpants oh Hotpants, oh where can I begin?       You pursuade the crowd to yell, you pursuade the team to win!You pursuade old men to be voyers, and li...
Posted by S.S. Go Jess! on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 05:02:00 PST